Grade 1/2 The lesson began with drawing all things 'Spring', such as grenouille, tulipe, mars, avril, mai, bourgeon...This was followed with a word search.
Grade 8 French- students have begun to create a Monopoly style board game with different themes: nourriture, sports, océan et l'eau.
Grade 9 French- Students are working on a formal letter to a celebrity. The object is to invite them to participate in a charity event of their preference.
HOMEWORK; please have p 48 completed for Thursday.
Grade 5/6 All French texts have been edited (several times), and after practice for fluency and intonation, groups have started to video their oral portion. Good work everyone!
Grade 3/4 The class have submitted their summative 'Au Feu', 'Mon Plan d'Évacuation'. Students have really worked hard on this unit, and now begins the work for the play.
JK/SK This was the last of transportation vocabulary session. They also used chairs as props to review prepositions: sur, devant, derrière, sous, à côté de moi et dans.