Friday, 25 May 2018


Grade 1/2 Please continue practicing your concert song (memorizing). Today, the flag s and posters were completed. Great work, everyone.

Grade 8 French - work was done on interchanging verbs. This also serves as a review for grammar conventions.
Grade 9 French- Students' work was edited, and a few students were able to start their video.
The students who still have to submit their rough copy, please do so Tuesday at the latest.

Grade 5/6 Students have been preparing questions for a Kahoot game. We should be ready to play on Tuesday.

Grade 3/4 The play is ready! Students have had a session on stage, and they really have their roles down path. Homework is to bring props if needed.

JK/SK Thanks you to our talented musician and singer for helping with our songs today. The rest of the period was a few rounds of Simon Dit.