Today, several of our students were representing The Maples at the D.Y.F.A. So, several classes were away and did not have French.
However, the grade 5 were hard at work on completing activities (mots croisés) related to the novel 'Le Voleur'.
The grade 6 are working on their real estate presentations. Many of the students are using their skills for a power point slide show. It is rewarding to see how co-operative they can work. Presentations are due Monday, 12th.
The grade 6 & 8 were 'gymnasticating' with their mouths to perfect their pronunciation of the following sounds: en, on, in and their different spellings. They quickly made the connections between the languages when I read them a text and they had to fill in with the correct diphtongues.
The JK & SK are continuing their investigation on rooms in a house and they started compiling vocabulary for the bedroom and the living room. Tomorrow, they are setting the table...