Thursday, 8 May 2014


This week, the SK & JK students were brushing up on their social graces. They set the table, with real dishes and silverware and are applying the vocabulary to each item.

Grade 1 have had fun with strange animal bearing different body parts boroowed from several animals. They had to identify both the animal and body part. What an unusual way to review our vocabulary!

Grade 2 are reviewing prepositions and are applying them in sentences.

Grade 3 & 4 are now on stage, working on their expression, timing and how to engage their audience for the Spring concert. This is one brave group that understand the value of working TOGETHER! They practically know each other's line and occasionally fill in for someone else.

Grade 5 have finished reading the novel 'Le voleur'. They easily recognize all the verbs and are confidently completing the comprehension questions.

Grade 6 have been hard at work on their power point presentation. This morning and tomorrow Friday, they will put the final touch to their slides and accompanying text in order to sell their house.  Just so you know, the students have exquisite taste and high standards!

Grade 7 & 8 have successfully presented their devices to the Dragon's Den (I was Arlene Dickinson). They all started to appreciate each others  ideas and even teamed up to calculate profits on their sales. It was a fine activity to blend business and language.
The next unit is all about underground mines, caves,!!!