Monday, 26 May 2014


JK & SK are starting to know and sing along the Fablanimo theme song. Today, the lesson the barnyard animals taught us was about sharing our feelings first rather than acting out. 

Grade 1 had a short activity on flowers and their parts. 

Grade 2 are almost at the end of the plant unit. Just like plants, we also need: de l'eau, de l'air, des nutrients et de la lumière.

Grade 3 & 4 today was our last chance to rehearse the play. We made a few minor changes on the stage. The actors must be louder and still work on their pronunciation.

Grade 5 are acquiring vocabulary, in this case verbs, to describe the sounds weather makes.
We compared those to instruments and animals.

Grade 6 are reviewing the verb voir and memorizing the names of sea creatures.

Grade 7 & 8 were working on 2 'spéléologie' stories. They are answering questions and if they are not completed in class...this is now homework. This work will marked for the 'Read & Comprehension' section.