Tuesday, 20 May 2014


JK & SK are starting a new unit called 'Fablanimo'. They will be singing about barn yard animals and their stories. Each story tells them about a life lesson and today was about being a risk taker and investigating an outcome instead of retreating before you have tried.

Grade 1 are making short sentences while applying a variety of adjectives. Tomorrow, they will work with manipulative (magnet boards) to position animals in the jungle.

Grade 2 have started a unit on plants and their needs. Some of the vocabulary other than the parts of the plant include, where plants grow such as above or below the ground. The students were curious about objects frequently used that were of plant origin. For example, aspirin, soap etc...

Grade 3 & 4 Tomorrow, the students will bring home a preview of their play.
Please take a moment to share this with your child.

Grade 5 are starting a poetry unit blending vocabulary they already know (the weather) with terminology related to action, sounds, colours...

Grade 6 are reviewing verbs and reading about tropical fish life.

Grade 7 & 8 are reviewing 'à la, au...du, de la...to be used with verbs such as 'sortir et partir'.