Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Today is concert day! The students were happy to do their dress-rehearsal yesterday and the concert will be a joy to watch.

Grade 1 are starting their last big unit for this year, the food unit! Watch for the big sandwiches...

Grade 3 & 4 will be happy to have a change of pace. On Friday, they will be taking their nature walk around the school grounds. More on this later.

Grade 5 are working on their weather poem.

Grade 6 will receive their instructions for the building of an aquarium.

Grade 6 & 7 review of passé composé with être and they also will start working on their projects: Les cavernes.

Monday, 26 May 2014


JK & SK are starting to know and sing along the Fablanimo theme song. Today, the lesson the barnyard animals taught us was about sharing our feelings first rather than acting out. 

Grade 1 had a short activity on flowers and their parts. 

Grade 2 are almost at the end of the plant unit. Just like plants, we also need: de l'eau, de l'air, des nutrients et de la lumière.

Grade 3 & 4 today was our last chance to rehearse the play. We made a few minor changes on the stage. The actors must be louder and still work on their pronunciation.

Grade 5 are acquiring vocabulary, in this case verbs, to describe the sounds weather makes.
We compared those to instruments and animals.

Grade 6 are reviewing the verb voir and memorizing the names of sea creatures.

Grade 7 & 8 were working on 2 'spéléologie' stories. They are answering questions and if they are not completed in class...this is now homework. This work will marked for the 'Read & Comprehension' section.

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Today, the JK & SK are enjoying a trip to the farm and it ties in really well the French unit Fablanimo songs and fables.

Grade 1 worked really hard at weeding out vocabulary (animal names) from a written text I read to them. The words left out made a sentence which they illustrated. Well done!

Grade 2 are nearly finished their plant unit. It was a great opportunity to incorporate the prepositions au-dessus and en-dessous.

Grade 3 & 4 have been given their props to work into the play. It is amazing how they work together and exchange their ideas.

Grade 5 are deep into French poetry. They are learning to appreciate how the correct word add emotions, tone and atmosphere to mundane vocabulary.

Grade 6 were illustrating the correct placement of tropical fish in a reef, following directions in a text.

Grade 7 & 8 are working the ins and outs of passé composé with être. This is a good review for the grade 8.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


JK & SK are starting a new unit called 'Fablanimo'. They will be singing about barn yard animals and their stories. Each story tells them about a life lesson and today was about being a risk taker and investigating an outcome instead of retreating before you have tried.

Grade 1 are making short sentences while applying a variety of adjectives. Tomorrow, they will work with manipulative (magnet boards) to position animals in the jungle.

Grade 2 have started a unit on plants and their needs. Some of the vocabulary other than the parts of the plant include, where plants grow such as above or below the ground. The students were curious about objects frequently used that were of plant origin. For example, aspirin, soap etc...

Grade 3 & 4 Tomorrow, the students will bring home a preview of their play.
Please take a moment to share this with your child.

Grade 5 are starting a poetry unit blending vocabulary they already know (the weather) with terminology related to action, sounds, colours...

Grade 6 are reviewing verbs and reading about tropical fish life.

Grade 7 & 8 are reviewing 'à la, au...du, de be used with verbs such as 'sortir et partir'.

Friday, 16 May 2014


The long weekend is upon us! Bravo, c'est la fin de semaine!

Merci Mme Stella et Mme Blanco pour m'avoir accompagnée ce matin. J'espère que nous pourrons nous revoir très bientôt.

Today, we wrapped up most of our units and all the students were excited about the long weekend.
Grade 7 & 8 played 'connect 4' verb game. The 'ir' regular and irregular verbs had to become part of a sentence to earn the team a point. 

Grade 6 worked independently on 'mots croisés'. The theme is tropical fish and marine life.

Grade 5 presented their novel report. Well done everyone!!!

Grade 3 & 4 valliantly performed in front of an audience.

Grade 2 perfected their pictures and sentences using all the prepositions we have learned so far.

Grade 1 eagerly recited our 'comptine' on animals. They are quite pleased with themselves.

JK & SK were quite active today and played a variety of games using all the vocabulary acquired so far. Yes, they are fantastic!

Thursday, 15 May 2014


JK & SK worked in the library today. They were able to tell the day and the date, even without the help of the calendar. They remembered the words such as 'la tige, la feuille, la fleur, la tulipe et ses couleurs'. They used the expression 'puis-je tailler mon crayon, s'il vous plaît?' several times but, they were speaking French! We do know our colours and many children could recognize the names on the pencil crayons.

Grade 1 had a breakthrough! They read and located the nouns and adjectives used in a cloze written activity. Bravo, everyone!

Grade 2 are hard at work making sentences in their individual 'cahier'. They really know their prepositions!

WE ARE READY IN GRADE 3 & 4  to give a sneak peak of our play to our St Jude's colleagues tomorrow. They are very excited!

Grade 5 are presenting their summary of the novel tomorrow. They have to find one sentence per chapter that they find significant.

Grade 6 did 'mots croisés' to re-inforce the vocabulary.

Grade 7 & 8 are experimenting with 'sortir & partir'.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


JK, Sk and Grade 1, students are enjoying the warmer weather and adding expressions to their vocabulary. So, if you hear 'le gazon pousse', les fleurs sont bleues, rouges...'etc... don't be surprised. Also, we are working on 'devinettes' to identify animals by adding specific adjectives.

The grade 2 are composing short sentences using prepositions and capably express where things are. They use: sur, sous, devant, derrière, à côté de and dans.

The play is moving along well and there will be a short summary for the parents. The students are also learning the vocabulary related to the theatre.

Grade 5 are almost finished with the comprehension activities on the novel 'Le voleur'. They will do a book report and present to the class later this week.

Grade 6 are finishing their booklet with an activity on vocabulary related to where animals live. They also had a timed excercise where they had to match syllables to form words found in the unit 'Les agents d'immeuble'.

Grade 7 & 8 are working on prepositions as expressions. Material used is from the unit 'Sous Terre'. The rest of the week is dedicated to passé composé using être for the verbs 'partir & sortir'.

Friday, 9 May 2014


C'est bientôt la Fête des mères!

J & K students teamed up to identified a table setting items. After a lively game of 'round the world', most of the children could name: assiettes (grandes ou petites), le bol, la tasse et la soucoupe, la fourchette, le couteau et la cuillère et la serviette de table.

Grade 1 are very active and will identify actions for specific animals. We also had an animated game of prepositions: sur, sous, devant, derrière, à côté de, dans.

Grade 2 are also working and using these prepositions. They were also interested in setting the they did! Each demonstrated how to display the dishes. They all had the basics down path and we made (and discussed) a few alternatives.

Grade 3 & 4 are nearly ready for an audience! Next week, our challenge is to present our play a few St Jude's visiting teachers.

Grade 5 worked independently then shared their answers for Chapter 9.

Grade 6 were finishing their power point presentation for Monday. Bravo, Landen for managing your time wisely.

Grade 7 & 8 played a game of hangman using the new vocabulary from the unit 'Sous-Terrain'. Amazing! They already know so much!  DO YOU KNOW WHAT 'Spéléologie' is?  Ask them!!!

Thursday, 8 May 2014


This week, the SK & JK students were brushing up on their social graces. They set the table, with real dishes and silverware and are applying the vocabulary to each item.

Grade 1 have had fun with strange animal bearing different body parts boroowed from several animals. They had to identify both the animal and body part. What an unusual way to review our vocabulary!

Grade 2 are reviewing prepositions and are applying them in sentences.

Grade 3 & 4 are now on stage, working on their expression, timing and how to engage their audience for the Spring concert. This is one brave group that understand the value of working TOGETHER! They practically know each other's line and occasionally fill in for someone else.

Grade 5 have finished reading the novel 'Le voleur'. They easily recognize all the verbs and are confidently completing the comprehension questions.

Grade 6 have been hard at work on their power point presentation. This morning and tomorrow Friday, they will put the final touch to their slides and accompanying text in order to sell their house.  Just so you know, the students have exquisite taste and high standards!

Grade 7 & 8 have successfully presented their devices to the Dragon's Den (I was Arlene Dickinson). They all started to appreciate each others  ideas and even teamed up to calculate profits on their sales. It was a fine activity to blend business and language.
The next unit is all about underground mines, caves,!!!

Monday, 5 May 2014


Today, several of our students were representing The Maples at the D.Y.F.A. So, several classes were away and did not have French.

However, the grade 5 were hard at work on completing activities (mots croisés) related to the novel 'Le Voleur'.

The grade 6 are working on their real estate presentations. Many of the students are using their skills for a power point slide show. It is rewarding to see how co-operative they can work.  Presentations are due Monday, 12th.

The grade 6 & 8 were 'gymnasticating' with their mouths to perfect their pronunciation of the following sounds: en, on, in and their different spellings. They quickly made the connections between the languages when I read them a text and they had to fill in with the correct diphtongues.

The JK & SK are continuing their investigation on rooms in a house and they started compiling vocabulary for the bedroom and the living room. Tomorrow, they are setting the table...

Friday, 2 May 2014


Bravo, c'est enfin la fin de semaine.

The youngest students discussed the notion of time and found similarities in much of the words we rehearsed. Vocabulary: une seconde, une minute, une heure, l'horloge, le jour et la semaine and of course, bonne fin de semaine. They also were in the mood for singing tunes we have learned this year.

The grade 1 completed a cloze activity on a story then, we had a counting competition. Great way to end the week.

Many of the grade 4 students were at The Battle of the Books competition. So, all the students remaining in grade 3 and 4 picked up the lines for the absentees and competently filled in for the characters.  I am very proud of them.

This morning, the grade 5 read chapter 7 of their novel and are working quite independently on the comprehension activities.

The grade 6 started researching a property for sale in Quebec. This will be the basis for their real estate unit presentation.

The grade seven did a short research on Braille as a universal code. Great findinds here! Also, we investigated other usefull codes such as the alphabet vocabulary used in radio communication. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot... Then, they proceded to spell words in French using these.  Great fun!!!