Monday, 20 January 2020


Grade 9 French students worked on their last class review doing drills, and writing sentences. Exam is on Wednesday at 9 am sharp.

Grade 8 French The final task was collected today, and this concludes our current unit.

Grade 5/6 Students watched a video from the series 'C'est pas sorcier' (see the link below. It contained a lot of the unit vocabulary, and HOMEWORK is to compose 5 to 7 sentences using the words from the unit. You may also use sentences from last week's activity sheets or your text book.

JK/SK students continued working on Winter activities and clothing, and they are adding Le Carnaval d'Hiver to this unit.

Grade 1/2 Students are working on animal descriptions and how to use adjectives.

Grade 3/4 Presentation Day!