Grade 9 French students corrected their passé composé exam sections. Everyone know what they need to work on. Today, the class learned how to form the futur simple tense. Review the exercises done in class. Everyone took notes, meaning you should work from your notes to complete the work.
Grade 8 French- After taking up the homework of superlative adjectives, students read 3 short texts about exotic animals in danger of disappearing.
HOMEWORK and it will count towards your summative, please answer the questions provided. Next week, you will have time to work on your project, so have your animal selected, and have a bit of information to get started writing on Tuesday.
Grade 5/6 students took up the 'mots clés' (a task they like!). In order not to fall behind, always do your homework.
Also, the class did oral, and written activities, to review adjectifs possessifs, and irregular adjectives placed before a noun.
JK/SK Winter clothing continued...
Grade 1/2 Les quadrupèdes continued...aural, reading, writing.
Grade 3/4 no French (skating).