Monday, 6 January 2020


Grade 9 French received their review package for the mid-term exam Jan. 22nd.
Wednesday, there will be more formal instruction on the last grammar concept: Futur Simple (page 222 in the text book).
Homework: please work on the pronominal verbs (you must know the present tense of most verbs at this time), and irregular adjectives. Practice with the 2 pictures provided (DO NOT USE GOOGLE AS YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY DEVICES DURING THE EXAM).

Grade 8 French students continued working on irregular adjectives. Please finish the work started in class (p.78).

Grade 5/6 students played a board game about verbs ending in er, ir.

JK/SK It is time, and they are learning the winter clothes terminology.

Grade 1/2 students began a new unit: Les Quadrupèdes. They are learning to describes animals, and create riddles.

Grade 3/4 Students presented their Christmas in the Ant Hill story. Well done! They also have chosen their animal (living in a social group) for their project, and started their research.