How was your first day? It was a fantastic start to the new academic
year 2019-2020!
Grade 9 French- students brainstormed the class expectations, took a look at the overview for the course, and received the Reach Ahead letter for parents to read, and sign their consent to taking the High School French credit FSF1D. All students are well aware of the requirements, and the course outline is available for viewing upon request, at school.
Students collaborated on building a short survey, and it will be used at the start of unit 1.
Grade 8 French- students also discussed the class expectations regarding assignments, homework etc. They looked at the overview (I read it to them), and are excited to begin unit 1 on Thursday: Food Courts: a fast food restaurant concept.
Grade 5/6- students are also working ahead with the enriched grade 6/7 French course. After receiving their material (cahier, duo tang, textbook), they brainstormed the expectations, and will be starting unit 1, Galaxie Virtuelle, on Thursday.
JK/SK students from SK picked up the routine right where they left off in June!
You have to be so proud knowing they were mentoring the JK. So, today, they did the calendar, weather,a bit of counting, and colours. They also reviewed some actions: tout le monde est debout, assis, lève la main, baisse la main...
Grade 1/2 Students were very keen to review the routine, and discover classroom objects. They worked in pairs, holding signs for the days of the week while singing. It was a fun, and active class.
Grade 3/4 students are also working ahead in this programme, and after reviewing class expectations, receiving their French material, they had a look at the first unit (their favorite topic: Food) about pizza! They had to search for the names of my favorite toppings! They guessed right...they know me too well.