Grade 9 French students had a look at their quiz results, and reflected on the areas they need to review. They worked on the type of questions (you need 3) to put on their website. Homework: have all 3 questions ready for Friday.
Grade 8 French students filled out a cloze text using unit vocabulary. This will serve as a model for 'La Tâche Finale'.
Things to think about for Friday: your 'casse-croùte' name and type of food, your slogan.
Grade 5-6 students worked with the verb avoir, specifically expressions with avoir. Be prepared for Friday, you will have to illustrate these expressions.
JK/SK Students are having fun with farm animal puppets. They are beginning to remember their French names.
Grade 1/2 since today was casual day, students worked with colours. Naming them, mixing them...writing and reading about them.
Grade 3/4 After making last few correction from Monday's homework, students identified a variety of action related to cooking, and matched the verb to pictures.