Thursday, 5 September 2019


Grade 9 French- students took a survey, which served two purposes: 1. reading fluency diagnostic assessment, and 2. vocabulary acquisition. They also reviewed the use of verbs such as jouer (with the partitive 'à, au'), and faire (with du, de la).
Homework is to go over the survey again, and record all vocabulary you had to look up. Be ready to use this next week.

Grade 8 French- students read a short (and silly) story about 'Un Client Difficile'. This activity was for diagnostic assessment purpose. The fluency level was excellent! Bravo, everyone!
Homework is to record and translate 'Les mots clés' for your vocabulary bank (meaning you will need these words/expressions for your summative).

Grade 5/6 students read the beginning of a comic strip. All students realized that  to read in French, one must follow with their pointer finger...why? to trick their brain into carefully pronouncing each word, that is why.
Homework is to list their words, and use the dictionary at the back of their textbook.

JK/SK The focus today was calendar, and colours: rouge, jaune, bleu, vert, violet et brun.

Grade 1/2 students worked on a colouring activity involving school supplies, and numbers. They were very attentive to the instructions, and completed the activity on time.

Grade 5/6  Hum, I hope students don't go home, and ask for pizza. It is our unit topic, and they have a lot of fun with it. Perhaps, you could ask them what ingredients they would like (in French) next time you order one.