Grade 9 students had a lesson about the last grammar concept of the year: le pronom disjoint. They had practice sheets, and also worked on their review package.
Jada had the second period to begin recording her interview. Remember everyone to pace yourself, and be ready to submit the Performance Task Friday, June 7th.
Grade 8 French- there was a short discussion about what the summative would be, (please refer to previous blog, for detailed information, and each student has a checklist). Due on Friday, June 7.
Grade 4-5 still working on preposition, with the addition of the verb 'voir'. Homework: page 103 which was started in class.
JK/SK students are almost ready for the concert. Could I please ask you to send an old, and small blanket with your child?
Grade 1 Thank you Santino for lending your book: À l'entraînement Nicolas!' for this week's read.
Grade 6 worked with verbs 'PARTIR & SORTIR'.
Grade 2-3 The play for the concert is coming together very nicely!