Monday, 6 May 2019


Grade 9 French students worked with C.O.D./C.O.I. They also received their Performance Task assignment (which is 20% of their exam). They will have some time to word on this project during class, but they will have to work at home, and respect due dates, and instructions.

Grade 7 & 8 joined forces to work on the pronoun 'Y'.
HOMEWORK complete the questions on the activity sheet (started during class).

Grade 4- students are learning more about tropical fish, and coral life. They are using the verb 'VOIR', and prepositions.
Please finish reading the information about compatibility between fish. Textbook.

Grade 6-Students began a new unit about caverns and caves. They will be exploring different features of 'caving'.

Grade 1 students were on a field trip. No French today.

Grade 2-3 Students are leaning basic vocabulary related to house, furniture, and surroundings.
They are excited to play the role of Real Estate Agents.