Friday, 24 May 2019


Grade 9 French students were able to have their rough copy edited, and their checklist items marked off. Make sure that you follow the rubric with all the instructions.
Also, students received their review package for the exam, and they started working on it. If you have questions about the package, next week's classes will be about review only.

Grade 8 French students received information about their final task (the due date will be Friday, June 7th).
It was decided that instead of having a huge project about Canada, students will focus on sections (some one province, some a group of provinces). They brainstormed the different elements they will include in the project.

Maple- Colombie Brittanique
Jaden- Ontario
Jack- Les Maritimes (Nouvelle Écosse, Île du Prince Édouard, Nouveau Brunswick)
Lillian- Terre Neuve
Hayden: Les Prairies
Ryan: Québec
Hayla- Les Territoires du Nord-Ouest

It was decided that the following items should appear in your presentation:
La méttéo (weather)
Les aspects physiques (géographie)
La cuisine locale
2 modes de transport
Les vêtements
La musique traditionnelle
1 attraction dans une ville
1 animal de la région

250 mots

Grade 4-5 students took a little refresher for prepositions, and different locations.
They will begin their project next week.

Grade 6 students worked on comprehension text.

Grade 1 After routine, a game of general knowledge, there was time for one short book to be read.

JK/SK Fridays are for story time! Thank you Sydney for the book.

Grade 2-3 The play is underway, and almost ready for the concert.