Grade 9 French- Today was the beginning of Unit 2. An intro text was read, and students began to work on the comprehension questions, and vocabulary. For next Wednesday, homework is to isolate and understand the terminology so that the students can use it in sentences. Make sure to have the definition for each of them. There will be a short quiz activity on this.
Grade 8 French- Students read a detective email series about a stolen song. Homework is to complete the matching of sentences, and look up the translation of the vocabulary to use in sentences. Wednesday, next class, there will be a short quiz.
Grade 4-5 All presentations were done, and question words were re-inforced throughout the period.
Grade 6 Students presented great and entertaining comic strips/slides with text. Students demonstrated imagination and a lot of humour.
Grade 1 Today was the start of the listening poster, and students designed their own as well as getting their first sticker for watching a video of Automne, C'est pas Sorcier. AND! Because it is Thanksgiving, they sang Alouette and the body of a turkey...really fun!
JK/SK Students sang about the parts of the turkey...and played their first game of Round The World. Even the JKs got into the action, and gave a good run to the SKs.
Grade 2-3 Students watched an episode of C'est pas Sorcier, À l'Automne. A class poster was created, and students began to record their listening activities.