Thursday, 18 October 2018


Grade 9 French worked extensively on passé composé of irregular verbs. They also had time to look up how to make the game Clue, for a French version. They are begining to create outlines for the game as a summative.

Grade 8 French students worked with regular verbs in passé composé, and applying terminology for conducting an investigation.

Grade 4-5 Time was spent describing each other clothing, and writing with the correct spelling 'il porte, elle with colour.

Grade 6 Students worked with the verb avoir, and expressions with avoir.

Grade 1 After routine work, students completed this week's work for their IB Portefolio. They also coloured a weather vane with NORD, SUB, EST, OUEST.

JK/SK routine work was followed by words for each letter of the alphabet, and a story about Câlins. Students informed me that moms give the hugs/câlins.

Grade 2-3 Today, the group read what they had written on Tuesday, and completed the description which will be used next week for the presentation.