Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Grade 9 French Today, students had their work edited (what they had done). They used the period to work on their rough copy due Thursday, and had time to add to the content of their story. Presentations are on Monday, Nov. 5

Grade 8 French There was time to edit the rough (or partial rough copy) for most students. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE WILL BE HEAVILY PENALIZED. Summative tasks are meant to demonstrate what you have learned during the unit: language conventions and terminology.
During Thursday's period, I will look at the work that was not ready to be shown today, while students watch a movie 'Tintin, le détective'. Presentations will be on Wednesday November 7, no exceptions.

Grade 4-5 Students had fun drawing caricatures, while listening to fun descriptions. Please finish p.18, if not done during class.

Grade 6 VOULOIR, C'EST POUVOIR! Students did really well working these 2 verbs. For Thursday, make sure to have what you want as a sound clip for your project. You need 10 to 20 seconds sound clip.

Grade 1 The Halloween puppets made an appearance. There was a lot of singing and story telling.

JK/SK Students had fun using the puppets to follow along a story, and perform actions in small groups.

Grade 2-3 The activity was to fill in blanks with appropriate verbs, or expressions. Then, students paid close attention to the punctuation while reading short dialogue. They worked on intonation!