Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Grade 9 French Today, students had their work edited (what they had done). They used the period to work on their rough copy due Thursday, and had time to add to the content of their story. Presentations are on Monday, Nov. 5

Grade 8 French There was time to edit the rough (or partial rough copy) for most students. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE WILL BE HEAVILY PENALIZED. Summative tasks are meant to demonstrate what you have learned during the unit: language conventions and terminology.
During Thursday's period, I will look at the work that was not ready to be shown today, while students watch a movie 'Tintin, le détective'. Presentations will be on Wednesday November 7, no exceptions.

Grade 4-5 Students had fun drawing caricatures, while listening to fun descriptions. Please finish p.18, if not done during class.

Grade 6 VOULOIR, C'EST POUVOIR! Students did really well working these 2 verbs. For Thursday, make sure to have what you want as a sound clip for your project. You need 10 to 20 seconds sound clip.

Grade 1 The Halloween puppets made an appearance. There was a lot of singing and story telling.

JK/SK Students had fun using the puppets to follow along a story, and perform actions in small groups.

Grade 2-3 The activity was to fill in blanks with appropriate verbs, or expressions. Then, students paid close attention to the punctuation while reading short dialogue. They worked on intonation!

Friday, 26 October 2018


Grade 9 French Students self corrected their formative task, and discussed their success criteria and benchmarks to show their growth. Also, they were given instructions to begin working on their final task. It was rewarding to see how they are able to take ownership of the summative's content.
For Tuesday's class, they will have their outline for their rough copy, and take that period to work on their rough copy DUE THURSDAY.

Grade 8 French students had a quick warm up with 2 verbs: Sortir and Partir. Following this activity, students worked with the formation of adverbs. They also have received their directives for the summative task.

Grade 4-5 Students learned how to make short sentences for description of physical features in preparation for next week's tâche finale.

Grade 6 Students took up the negative form of verbs such as VOULOIR AND POUVOIR. This was followed by a lively round of vocabulary search.

Grade 1 Today was a day to finish up the week's task, and pretend that they were in a store bying clothes.

JK/SK Puppets are very popular at this time of the year: FANTÔME, SORCIÈRE ET CITROUILLE came to play.

Grade 2-3 The school had a special assembly and a very popular guest to celebrate Terry Fox pledges. It was fantastic.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


Grade 9 French students continued working with passé composé with a quick review of irregular participe passé. Homework was checked, and students worked on a formative activity which gave them the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, thinking, communication and application of the work done so far.

Grade 8 French Students read their paragraph, and gave away who was the culprit was in the story they read. Today's lesson was SORTIR AND PARTIR.

Grade 4-5 Today was a great opportunity to describe what eve3ryone was wearing, since we had casual day. Then the students corrected sentences on the board. They are quite good at detecting the gender of adjectives.

Grade 6 students took up the vocabulary and worked with 2 new verbs VOULOIR AND POUVOIR to further enhance their sentences.

Grade 1 students are working with new vocabulary related to clothing. They will be opening a store and shop! They are excited about this!

JK/SK met the Halloween puppets: fantôme, sorcière et citrouille...and Frankie. They sang, and began to learn actions that these characters can perform.

Grade 2-3 Students corrected their homework, working with rhyming words, and riddles. We also read and learned a bit about BATS!

Monday, 22 October 2018


Grade 9 French Students continue to work with passé composé of irregular verbs, and apply it to theme related terminology.
HOMEWORK: please make sure you complete the work you did during class: due Wednesday.

Grade 8 French The class is learning that applying verbs in a sentence, is nothing if you do not understand the meaning of the said sentence. Note for everyone: please do not leave words or expressions you are not sure about, look them up.

Grade 4-5 Students are begining to describe people in more detail. Colour adjectives are a topic right now.

Grade 6 Avoir and ëtre, and expressions are begining to be used more reliably. Also, there was a reading about the different sounds heard in daily lives.
HOMEWORK: Learn the MOTS CLÉS, and translate.

Grade 1 The theme for today was counting by 10, 0-100. Then on to the 'dinosaures, and how the weather may have prompted their 'disappearance.

JK/SK Fruit and vegetables are still on the menu! Students are still excited to tell what fruit they may have had to eat today.

Grade 2-3Students will continue their descriptions of domestic animals.

Thursday, 18 October 2018


Grade 9 French worked extensively on passé composé of irregular verbs. They also had time to look up how to make the game Clue, for a French version. They are begining to create outlines for the game as a summative.

Grade 8 French students worked with regular verbs in passé composé, and applying terminology for conducting an investigation.

Grade 4-5 Time was spent describing each other clothing, and writing with the correct spelling 'il porte, elle porte...clothing with colour.

Grade 6 Students worked with the verb avoir, and expressions with avoir.

Grade 1 After routine work, students completed this week's work for their IB Portefolio. They also coloured a weather vane with NORD, SUB, EST, OUEST.

JK/SK routine work was followed by words for each letter of the alphabet, and a story about Câlins. Students informed me that moms give the hugs/câlins.

Grade 2-3 Today, the group read what they had written on Tuesday, and completed the description which will be used next week for the presentation.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018


Grade 8 & 9 ( French) The classes were combined today to work on passé composé. Students took turn at the whiteboard (coaches all around the classroom) to get it done.
HOMEWORK: if you have not completed today's work, this is homework for Thursday.

Grade 4-5 Students showed their cross words puzzle as evidence for the homework.  The class completed reading how a police artist works to describe a suspect.

Grade 6- The theme this week is l'impératif. How to form regular verbs to give commands, or be persuasive when doing publicity.

Grade 1- Students began to name the type of work, and title of workers in different buildings and businesses around town. They mimed actions of workers, and students guessed what they were.

JK/SK Students continued reciting the alphabet in French, and learning words begining with each letter. Also, they started looking at pictures of food, and telling if it is 'Santé ou pas de santé'.

Grade 2-3 Today, students continued with the domestic animal theme: they are learning how to build a descriptive paragraph following a model.


Friday, 12 October 2018


Grade 9 French- Students worked with the vocabulary, added computer terminology, and continued learning to use the passé composé. Next week, there will be quizzes to make sure that this verb tense is properly used in the language.

Grade 8 French- Today, after checking the homework (using passé composé of regular verbs), students played a game of Connect 4, to challenge their skills.

Grade 3-4 Today, a lot of reading was happening to acquire vocabulary. There is a cross word to complete as homework, if it was not finished during class.

Grade 6 The class shared the reading of Rythmes de la Vie. They are excited about this unit about sounds (although they were talking about the effects of silence???). HOMEWORK is to translate les mots clés in their cahier. They had some time to do it during class, so there should not be too much to do.

Grade 1 Students had fun playing a version of snake and ladder game, and were very keen to identify buildings by looking at objects belonging to familiar building.

JK/SK Ha! French people also sing the alphabet, but with a difference here and there. Students were quick to point out where I was wrong! They finished the period with a game of Round the World, and the JKs were holding their own really well.

Grade 2-3 Students were matching syllables to find animal names. A few were finished quickly, and were working on extra work.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


Grade 9 French- Students applied the terminology related to running an investigation. The lesson, today was le passé composé.Students also had to use the terminology by reading 'Les Manchettes'. This is homework if you have not completed this in class.

Grade 8 French Students reviewed the vocabulary, and the main lesson was passé composé. This will be the focus for the better part of the programme.

Grade 3-4 A few last minute activities were completed to wrap up unit 1. Students began to read the Leading text/story of a stolen piglet at the fair.

Grade 6 Students completed a cloze activity, where they had a bank of words (verbs, nouns…) to use in a presentation. Well done.

Grade 1 Students have begun talking about buildings around town.

JK/SK Students are now learning about body parts by singing: TÊTE, ÉPAULES, GENOUX…and playing Simon Dit!

Grade 2-3 Les animaux domestiques is their topic for unit 2. They are working on using the correct gender: féminin et masculin.

Thursday, 4 October 2018


Grade 9 French- Today was the beginning of Unit 2. An intro text was read, and students began to work on the comprehension questions, and vocabulary. For next Wednesday, homework is to isolate and understand the terminology so that the students can use it in sentences. Make sure to have the definition for each of them. There will be a short quiz activity on this.

Grade 8 French- Students read a detective email series about a stolen song. Homework is to complete the matching of sentences, and look up the translation of the vocabulary to use in sentences. Wednesday, next class, there will be a short quiz.

Grade 4-5 All presentations were done, and question words were re-inforced throughout the period.

Grade 6 Students presented great and entertaining comic strips/slides with text. Students demonstrated imagination and a lot of humour.

Grade 1 Today was the start of the listening poster, and students designed their own as well as getting their first sticker for watching a video of Automne, C'est pas Sorcier. AND! Because it is Thanksgiving, they sang Alouette and the body of a turkey...really fun!

JK/SK Students sang about the parts of the turkey...and played their first game of Round The World. Even the JKs got into the action, and gave a good run to the SKs.

Grade 2-3 Students watched an episode of C'est pas Sorcier, À l'Automne. A class poster was created, and students began to record their listening activities.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018


Grade 9 French- Monthly assembly took most of the first period, and students were invited to play dragons (as in investers from the CBC programme) to the grade 7.

Grade 8 French- students presented their restaurant complete with a simple menu, a slogan and a proposal to the dragons for investment money.
There are students who still owe their hard copies for the work, and one did not present.

Grade 3-4 Students brainstormed questions, for which they have to provide answers to, for their favourite place.
HOMEWORK: Answer the questions, after re-writing the questions, and illustrate your work. This is due on Thursday.

Grade 6- Students were given models of sentences, and ideas for their comic strip, due on Thursday.
You will need 4 pictures (fit to a regular sheet of paper) and 2 sentences per pictures.

Grade 1 Students watched one episode of C'est pas Sorcier, l'Automne. They watched how the Earth's tilted axis in relation to the Sun give us the seasons. They recognized the colours of leaves, and why they change at this time of the year. Also, there was a segment about Fall veggies.

JK/SK It is turkey and Thanksgiving time, so they sang Alouette and changed some of the body parts to fit that of a bird: Tête, ailes, bec, pattes, le dos…

Grade 2-3 Students began a new unit: Les Animaux domestiques. Everyone had their favorite, and since they are starting with a new learner profile this month, we were able to make a parallel between human and animal, and whether they can also be knowledgeable and how.