Friday, 28 September 2018


Grade 9 French- The website task was presented today. I am still missing 1 presentation, and 1 hard copy of the presentation. This is a must to submit your summative in order to get your credit.

Grade 8 French- Most rough copies were edited (again, always have a hard copy of your work). TUESDAY is Dragons' Den presentation. You will be submitting your rubric, rough copy, good/final copy.

Grade 4-5 Students wrote about their film, giving it a rating and critique. If your artwork (drawing of your film poster) is not yet done, it is homework for Tuesday.

Grade 6 Students had a challenging session about the frequently used 4 verbs: aller, avoir, faire and ĂȘtre. The class can conjugate the verbs in the present tense, and find it difficult to choose the correct one, and apply them in sentences. There will be more practice next week, but today, EVERYONE worked really hard!

Grade 1 Being Friday, it is always a treat to have story time. La petite poule rousse was great fun for the students, and learning about learner profiles such as, Caring, Knowledgeable.

JK/SK The class was very attentive using BIG BOOKS and stories. They had fun repeating bits of the text with the reader.

Grade 2-3 The class divided in 2 groups and identified activity categories from the Pioneers UOI. They finished with identifying 2 learner profiles that pioneers would have had to demonstrate in those days.