Monday, 10 September 2018


Grade 9 French Students worked with irregular adjectives, described a classmate, and write/listen to a text filling the blanks. The final task was to write 5 sentences about yourself.
HOMEWORK: if you have not completed your short paragraph (5 sentences), please do so for next class, as well as the crossword puzzle.

Grade 8 French All students were supposed to record their vocabulary. Today's lesson was about 3 important and frequently used verbs: VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR.
HOMEWORK: please complete the activity sheet started in class. Also, write 2 sentences per verb, using various pronouns. Your sentences must be theme related (restaurant and food or meals).

Grade 3-4 Thank you to the students who completed page 1, which was last week's homework.
Today, students worked on different sounds, diphtongs, and read aloud a short fable using different sounds.
HOMEWORK; please complete p. 2 À table!

Grade 6 Students worked on their comprehension of the comic strip, and the vocabulary. They also listened/read to series of expressions, and identified words or expressions that did not belong.
HOMEWORK: complete activity p.8b, and study your vocabulary for Wednesday little quiz.

Grade 1 students are beginning to identify the names of the days of the week in writing as well as illustrating activity performed either during the school days, or during the weekend.

JK/SK Students responded to being greeted with 'Oui, je suis ici'. Lots of fun with the weather cards, and counting 10 little fingers that kept disappearing...

Grade 2-3 The class competed for house points to identify classroom objects. They also had an activity where they had to locate and colour objects.