Friday, 14 September 2018


Grade 9 French- Students discussed their Internet and Social Media usage, and reflected on the safety precautions to take when engaging online. They also looked at TMA's website and the French blog, and offered suggestions to improve them. These activities are done ahead of the making of their own website (la tâche finale) at the end of the unit.
HOMEWORK: read p. 22,23 and answer the questions in your cahier.

Grade 7 French Students took up the homework for correction. It is important to keep pace with the work. Students played a game of Connect 4 with the following verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, aller, avoir and être.
HOMEWORK: you will have a test on Tuesday on the verbs you were working on this week. Don't forget to study your regular er,ir,re verbs too! This is review from last year.

Grade 3-4 A little geography on a Friday! The class took a tour of the provinces and territories, and matched the plane trip from the character in the unit (Natalie) across Canada.

Grade 6 Students worked on the most frequent verbs: Aller, faire, avoir, être and a few regular er, ir ending verbs.
HOMEWORK: study the conjugation of the above verbs.

Grade 1 Routine in the class is well established: greeting, calendar and weather. Today, we added a colouring/writing activity.

JK/SK The class had fun listening, and stopping me when chanting the months of the year. They also coloured a few school supplies pictures.

Grade 2-3 Today was about matching actions/activities performed at school to the written word. They finished with a word search.