Monday, 9 April 2018


JK/SK Today, there was a slight change in schedule, and French was first thing this morning. Students were moving around to act out (and say) the parts of the house. They also talked about what their idea of a home is, and how different it could be for other people. J'ai un toit, une cheminée, un plafond, un plancher, des murs, une fenêtre et une porte: qui suis-je? UNE MAISON!

Grade 7/8 Students were given the task to use 6 pictures which included a verb, and useful vocabulary. They had to use passé composé (most of the verbs required être as an auxiliary).
Students submitted a rough draft. and the task will be finished on Thursday.

Grade 5/6 The class is halfway through the verb unit, and today was about irregular 'ir' verbs.
Homework: please work with the sections you were given (it may be different for each students). However, do not work on Section F. You will be doing this on Thursday.

Grade 3/4 Students took up the homework from last week, which was to identify the objects in a garage sale. Following this they coloured and drew objects as instructed. It was not easy, but everyone got the idea very quickly. It was a combination of colours, objects, positioning and general vocabulary.
Homework: p. 12 match 2 syllables to make up a word.

Grade 1/2 Students are getting ready to present their project about water.  They have requested to have an audience, and on Thursday after more practice, they will present to the JK/SK. They can practice at home (students themselves requested this), but they will have time of practice on Thursday a.m.