Monday, 23 April 2018


Grade 1/2 This week is about plants. Students identified parts of the plant: racines, tige, fleurs, feuilles...There talks  about the sun, water, soil, warmth...

Grade 7/8 The lesson today was about the placement of pronouns, specifically 'Y', and complements d'objet direct/indirect. (le, la, les, l', lui, leur).
HOMEWORK:  complete the activity sheet started during class. We will take this up on Wednesday. Continue reviewing your notes while completing the exercise.

Grade 5/6 After marking homework (if it was not completed, please have it done for Wednesday), students were given time to work on their French component for their Exhibition. Begin writing your rough drafts for either your skits or letters.

Grade 3/4 Students wrote down instructions to be used for their 'Plan d'évacuation' (la tâche finale). They acted out a simple set of instructions in case of a fire. They also sourced 3-5 key sentences to use in their work.

JK/SK The class worked with vocabulary about plants and growing. They also had a colouring activity about what the ingredients for growing a plant/flower would be: soleil, eau, la pluie, le sol, les feuilles...