JK/SK This morning's activity was to learn about the names of transportation vehicles. Students worked in pairs to draw: un tracteur, une voiture, un avion, un bateau, un train...
Grade 8 French took up their homework for corrections and further explanation.
They took turns to read aloud a short text as an introduction to the unit on transportation.
HOMEWORK list 'les mots clés' and find their meaning. Please use your cahier!
Grade 9 French- Students worked in groups to peer assess Monday's homework. They also worked individually to test their skills with pronom d'objet direct and indirect.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition is on! All groups had one round of editing work to their letter or skit. Students are aware that this process may take some time with several editing to be done.
Grade 3/4 Students worked on a dialogue about calling (9-1-1). They rehearsed with a partner, then recorded themselves. The play back was informative. Also, they chose to do a play for the Spring Concert!.
Grade 1/2 It is still time to discuss how to make our classroom cleaner in the context of Earth Month. Students enjoyed taking action, and executing instructions about tidying up their environment.