Friday, 27 April 2018


Grade 1/2 Students watched a video about Le Printemps. Everything About how nature changes. Students were very attentive, and were able to answer several questions about what they had watched.

Grade 8 French- Students who had not done their homework (translate and record les mots clés for the unit), completed this task, and worked on the comprehension segment about the text read on Wednesday. All tasks should be completed for Tuesday, May 1st.

Grade 9 French-After correcting and clarifying a few grammar concepts about COD/COI students worked independently on interchanging verb tenses for extra practice.

Grade 5/6 Today was the second and third round of editing for all groups. Students are almost ready to video their skits (next week).

Grade 3/4 Everyone was working on their summative. AU FEU! Mon plan d'évacuation. They drew floor plan of their home, plan escape routes, and wrote instructions for exiting their house safely.

JK/SK Students watched a short video talking about how things grow in the Spring.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018


JK/SK This morning's activity was to learn about the names of transportation vehicles. Students worked in pairs to draw: un tracteur, une voiture, un avion, un bateau, un train...

Grade 8 French took up their homework  for corrections and further explanation.
They took turns to read aloud a short text as an introduction to the unit on transportation.
HOMEWORK list 'les mots clés' and find their meaning. Please use your cahier!

Grade 9 French- Students worked in groups to peer assess Monday's homework. They also worked individually to test their skills with pronom d'objet direct and indirect.

Grade 5/6 Exhibition is on! All groups had one round of editing work to their letter or skit. Students are aware that this process may take some time with several editing to be done.

Grade 3/4 Students worked on a dialogue about calling (9-1-1). They rehearsed with a partner, then recorded themselves. The play back was informative. Also, they chose to do a play for the Spring Concert!.

Grade 1/2  It is still time to discuss how to make our classroom cleaner in the context of Earth Month. Students enjoyed taking action, and executing instructions about tidying up their environment.

Monday, 23 April 2018


Grade 1/2 This week is about plants. Students identified parts of the plant: racines, tige, fleurs, feuilles...There talks  about the sun, water, soil, warmth...

Grade 7/8 The lesson today was about the placement of pronouns, specifically 'Y', and complements d'objet direct/indirect. (le, la, les, l', lui, leur).
HOMEWORK:  complete the activity sheet started during class. We will take this up on Wednesday. Continue reviewing your notes while completing the exercise.

Grade 5/6 After marking homework (if it was not completed, please have it done for Wednesday), students were given time to work on their French component for their Exhibition. Begin writing your rough drafts for either your skits or letters.

Grade 3/4 Students wrote down instructions to be used for their 'Plan d'évacuation' (la tâche finale). They acted out a simple set of instructions in case of a fire. They also sourced 3-5 key sentences to use in their work.

JK/SK The class worked with vocabulary about plants and growing. They also had a colouring activity about what the ingredients for growing a plant/flower would be: soleil, eau, la pluie, le sol, les feuilles...

Thursday, 19 April 2018


Grade 1/2 La Journée de la Terre! Students brainstormed ideas about all forms of   pollution, including plastic. It was decided by the class that tomorrow they would try to bring litter-less lunch and snacks, and a placemat. Good luck!

Grade 7 & 8 did an activity for Earth Day. They worked in groups and wrote sentences about what Earth Day means to them. These phrases were then edited on the board.

Grade 5/6 Super work from the whole class. They almost completed the -Re verb package. Homework: finish to exercise D.

Grade 3/4 Students read aloud a short story about a young girl calling the fire station. They also answered comprehension questions.

JK/SK To honour Earth Day (tomorrow at the school), they looked at a book about all things plant. They went the classroom and looked for anything that would be made of plant material. J'ai trouvé...

Friday, 13 April 2018


Grade 1/2 The class watched a video about where the water in our towns comes from and where the used water is being treated. This wrapped up their unit on Water Cycle.

Grade 7/8 Students watched a video about the making of . It involved animation technology, design, acting, voice over etc. A short discussion followed.

Grade 5/6  Students watched a video about where the water in our towns comes from and where the used water is being treated. Following the film, students brainstormed actions that could be taken to preserve the water we have. (Earth day is next week). Mr. Hunt jumped in the discussion with a quick lesson in Chemistry about salt, calcium...

Grade 3/4 Dictionary skills at its best. Two groups set out to research vocabulary, and they also played Round The World to learn the new vocabulary.

JK/SK It was Cowboy/girl day, and because it is Friday, students played a variety of games about the vocabulary, preposition, water etc...

Thursday, 12 April 2018


Grade 1/2 Students should be very proud of their work today. They presented their water project to the JK/SK, and did a superb job!

Grade 7/8 Stories were completed today. The use of passé composé was the main component for this summative.

Grade 5/6 The verbs ending in 'IR' irregular and regular ones are all done! Now on to the 'RE' verbs.

Grade 3/4 Today was about 'aller' (to go). A lot of oral practice with this one.

JK/SK Students watched a video showing the rooms and other parts of the house. Then, they practiced saying what colours they had in certain parts of the house. 

Monday, 9 April 2018


JK/SK Today, there was a slight change in schedule, and French was first thing this morning. Students were moving around to act out (and say) the parts of the house. They also talked about what their idea of a home is, and how different it could be for other people. J'ai un toit, une cheminée, un plafond, un plancher, des murs, une fenêtre et une porte: qui suis-je? UNE MAISON!

Grade 7/8 Students were given the task to use 6 pictures which included a verb, and useful vocabulary. They had to use passé composé (most of the verbs required être as an auxiliary).
Students submitted a rough draft. and the task will be finished on Thursday.

Grade 5/6 The class is halfway through the verb unit, and today was about irregular 'ir' verbs.
Homework: please work with the sections you were given (it may be different for each students). However, do not work on Section F. You will be doing this on Thursday.

Grade 3/4 Students took up the homework from last week, which was to identify the objects in a garage sale. Following this they coloured and drew objects as instructed. It was not easy, but everyone got the idea very quickly. It was a combination of colours, objects, positioning and general vocabulary.
Homework: p. 12 match 2 syllables to make up a word.

Grade 1/2 Students are getting ready to present their project about water.  They have requested to have an audience, and on Thursday after more practice, they will present to the JK/SK. They can practice at home (students themselves requested this), but they will have time of practice on Thursday a.m.

Thursday, 5 April 2018


Grade 1/2 Students were busy with making, drawing and labelling posters about water in its various forms. Bravo!

Grade 7/8 Students continued a variety of activities about passé composé and the appropriate choice of verbs.
HOMEWORK- continue working and reviewing what has been done with these verbs. Next class, you will have to complete an activity with vocabulary and pictures. You will be asked to make an original story.

Grade 5/6 The class has begun a new category of verbs 'IR' regular verbs.
HOMEWORK; finish the sections started this morning, and do the last section with 6 sentences beginning with JE, TU, IL, NOUS, VOUS, ELLES, and complete the sentences with an appropriate ending.  Please use a different verb for each.

Grade 3/4 Today, the class applied the concept of using 'tout, tous, toute, toutes'.
They also worked on their dictionary skills when researching for the gender of a word. There was also a short oral segment to learn how to use 'mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes'.

JK/SK  Today was about expanding Spring and Water related terminology. Le petit poisson nage et fait des bulles, and un arbre et une branche, avec un nid, un oeuf et un oiseau avec une coquille sur la tête.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018


Grade 1/2 Previewing April's Earth Day, students brainstormed all things water.
Vocabulary included: océan, lac, rivière, la pluie, le brouillard, évaporation, condensation, précipitation etc.
They have begun to investigate the water system in our town versus countryside.

Grade 7/8 The lesson continues to be about verbs requiring être in passé composé.
HOMEWORK; complete today's activity and make sure to bring everything back for next class (this includes textbooks AND your homework).

Grade 5/6 Students who completed their verb package (ER) as requested for homework, thank you! It also means that you were successful in today's quiz.
Thursday, the class will begin 'IR' verbs.

Grade 3/4 Today's lesson was about 'TOUT', and its many forms. Students were very quick to understand the concept, and were soon building their own sentences.

JK/SK Students identified the different bodies of water.