Grade 1/2 Students have begun to do the morning routine of calendar, weather, counting without much prompting. Today's activity was about reading the names of colours and applying them to the correct area.
Grade 8 French Students worked on the verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir. This time, there really is no other way to learn them other than memorizing. For additional practice, complete the activity sheet, if it was not completed ahead of time.
Grade 9 French Students worked with a partner to come up with questions about reflexive/pronominal verbs, and give create examples that will be used to challenge other teams.
Homework: have a look at The Maples website, and jot notes about what is working or not working (suggest improvements). On Thursday, you will brainstorm how to create your own website.
Grade 5/6 Students read about descriptions for movies. They started on their mini poster in their notebook. Please complete the still picture and the title (in French) for your film. Thursday, they will learn to describe and rate their movie.
Grade 3/4 Today's class was about ingredients and toppings on a pizza. Students also started to learn about basic steps for cooking. Get ready, they will soon come home asking for a family recipe.
JK/SK The class was treated with some soothing classical music, and this made the mellow for awhile. Students mimed a tree swaying in the wind and loosing its leaves. Yes, L'Automne est ici!
After reading Le Château de sable, students located different colours around the classroom.