Tuesday, 5 September 2017

C'est déjà commencé! La rentrée!

Grade 1/2 Today, students received their material, and spent some time decorating their duo-tang with French inspired drawings.

Grade 7 French Books and writing material were distributed, and students took the time to go over their textbooks and familiarize themselves with the content. They also collaborated on their class essential agreements.

French FSF1D -Students received their material (including a reflection/notebook). Both French classes were introduced to some of the IB terminology and marking scheme.
***During the summer, Mr. Playford sent/emailed parents whose child is taking the Reach Ahead French programme. Please sign the form and return it so that  I can keep and file away for the Ministry via transcripts and OSRs. If you need another copy, please let me know and I will send one with your child.

Grade 5/6 Today was all about going through books, binders, notebooks/reflection, and adding specific agreements to what was already on the board as essential class agreements. Students wrote in their notebooks what they wish to accomplish by the end of this year, and discussed how this could be achieved.
Students will also keep a log (in their notebooks) of their French listening activities. It was agreed to start with 20 minutes a week of listening a variety of radio, T.V., films and videos, audiobooks...Maybe, this could turn into a family activity!

Grade 3/4 What a fabulous class we had! After establishing  the routine, and identifying the books/notebooks etc., we realized that the IB board did not have the learner profiles up yet. So, this very resourceful group started making the signs for 'le profile de l'apprenant' EN FRANÇAIS! You will have to ask them!

JK/SK Today's class was a bit about everything.  A bit of weather, say who you are, singing the days of the week, counting, colours, and a lot of actions just to see where they're at. More structure for Thursday.