Grade 1/2 Classmates impressed each other with matching syllables and exchanging cards with each other to form their words. Great demonstration of collaboration, knowledgeable and thinking attributes.
Grade 7 It took some time to get organized, and when that was underway Eve and Zander were in charge of the IB unit chart. Students worked on verbs with plural or multiple subjects. Thank you Daniel and Ben for your follow ups with your classmates.
Grade 8 Thank you Ben and Ella for getting the unit poster started. The rest of the class were able to copy Molly's excellent description, and HOMEWORK is for everyone to make corrections, which will be shared on Friday.
Grade 5/6 It was 'picture day', and it came with a few interruptions. However, the class worked while eating snacks, and completed the vocabulary sheets in no time at all. Bravo!
Grade 3/4 We had the picture day halt in this class also, and students demonstrated how fast they can resume work. Real pros! They acted out all sorts of activities performed around the class, PLUS unscrambling routine actions (verbs).
JK/SK The class began with greetings, and the colouring of a big soccer ball. They finished with singing, actions etc... They were quite intrigued with on-going preparation for the BBQ.