Monday, 15 May 2017


JK/SK All about 'les grenouilles'. Students listened about the life cycle of a frog, and coloured a booklet demonstrating frog growing from eggs to UNE GRENOUILLE.

Grade 7 Several students were assisting with Sciences activities in the gym. The rest of the class completed questions about 'sortir et partir'. Thank you Garret for having worked on the short assignment/sketch of a cave.
PROJECT is due Tuesday, May 23rd
Goal- describe a cave using 4 senses: j'entends, je vois, je sens et je touche
Role- guide us through your cave as you describe it with unit vocabulary
Audience- teacher and peers
Situation- enter the cave, describe a few rooms, use SORTIR/PARTIR
Product- minimum 15 sentences, a picture.

Grade 8- Students worked on their performance task. REMEMBER THAT YOUR CONFERENCE  WITH ME WILL HAPPEN ON THURSDAY, since you were not ready with a rough copy on Tuesday.

Grade 5/6 Students worked with 4 irregular verbs: Aller, faire, avoir & être. They also worked on their project: Galaxécole, 12 to 15 sentences, use the above verbs and an agenda. Describe your school.

Grade 1/2 Les prépositions: telling where things are. Learn, practice and illustrate.