Thursday, 11 May 2017


Grade 1/2 Adjectives and full sentences, and something really well done for the IB Portfolio.

Grade 7 Verbs Partir and Sortir, practice on activity sheets. For next class Monday, please have a quick sketch, 5-6 sentences using the sample sheet to prepare to use the unit vocabulary. Don't forget to use prepositions and the new verbs.
Grade 8 Worked on les pronoms disjoints. For next week, have your rough draft of the telephone message, so that Tuesday and Thursday we can conference, make changes/edit, and you have time to memorize the message for final performance task on Tuesday, May 23. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Grade 5/6 Today' s lesson was the futur proche. Students made sentences for practice, then had time to work on the project.

Grade 3/4 Today we finished listing the items from the Nature Walk (Monday). Students also wanted to show me crystals and minerals, so they were included in the discussion and the notes. On Monday, students will prepare a 3D collage of their walk findings and results.

JK/SK They completed the community helpers with 3 different pop up books. À la ferme, À la maison and l'eau à la ville.