Thursday, 4 May 2017


Grade 1/2 More work with 'les expressions avec avoir'. Students don't mind, and they enjoy the challenge of a good game.

Grade 7- A few students have completed their good copy of a letter, worked on their drawing and the description of their invention.
TOMORROW, MAY 5TH, IS PRESENTATION DAY! Please, have your rough copy and good copy of the letter, the drawing and description of your apparatus/invention.

Grade 8- Students presented and read their letters, and were invited to offer their thanks to the celebrity mentioned.
They also were introduced to the Performance Task. They will receive more detailed instructions on Friday, May 5.

JK/SK After the routine of calendar and weather, students used the whole alphabet to find words they knew in French. The house riddle is always a fun way to finish class with.

Grade 3/4- Because the weather is not on our side, the nature walk is deferred to next week. Today, was all about Spring flowers and learning about the gender of articles (le la les). Students also did a reading /comprehension activity.