Monday, 29 May 2017


Grade 1/2 Big rehearsal for tomorrow's concert! They are ready.

Grade 7 Students completed last week's read and comprehension activity to wrap up the unit on 'spéléologie'. They also have begun to read about large structures around the world and working with numbers 0-1000, as well as some architectural vocabulary. EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIT IS LARGE!

Grade 8 Students are working on their review package and will be doing so for the rest of the week. FRENCH FINAL EXAM IS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 6.

Grade 5/6 There was no French today. This period was taken with dress rehearsal.
JK/SK We are continuing the exploration of feeling in the barnyard. Students are singing, and learning about feelings and expressions with avoir.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


Grade 1/2 The class engaged in a very lively round of Simon dit and Round the world to test all the material done so far. Wow, they are able to follow directions, tell where things are, do simple addition problems...

Grade 5/6 Students reviewed the components of a complete sentence and worked on their project. It is due on Tuesday May 23.

Grade 8- Each student had a conference time about their telephone message along with some editing to do. Please memorize the finished product for Tuesday, May 23, performance task. Although next Tuesday (23rd) will be Track and Field day, you will be pulled out for a few minutes, between events to complete the oral component of the performance task.

Grade 7 worked on their cave project, also due May 23. Although it is Track and Field day on Tuesday, students are asked to turn in their projects in for me to mark. You will be presenting later during that week.

Grade 3/4 Students were given 30 minutes to look at the very good science exhibits by the grades 5/6/7/8. Returning to class, the nature 3 D projects were completed (almost) and will be presented next week.

JK/SK In the spirit of feelings, students identified the names of feelings in French, sang the theme song Fablanimo, and listened to 2 animal interaction stories. They also did a little bit of acting out the story.

Monday, 15 May 2017


JK/SK All about 'les grenouilles'. Students listened about the life cycle of a frog, and coloured a booklet demonstrating frog growing from eggs to UNE GRENOUILLE.

Grade 7 Several students were assisting with Sciences activities in the gym. The rest of the class completed questions about 'sortir et partir'. Thank you Garret for having worked on the short assignment/sketch of a cave.
PROJECT is due Tuesday, May 23rd
Goal- describe a cave using 4 senses: j'entends, je vois, je sens et je touche
Role- guide us through your cave as you describe it with unit vocabulary
Audience- teacher and peers
Situation- enter the cave, describe a few rooms, use SORTIR/PARTIR
Product- minimum 15 sentences, a picture.

Grade 8- Students worked on their performance task. REMEMBER THAT YOUR CONFERENCE  WITH ME WILL HAPPEN ON THURSDAY, since you were not ready with a rough copy on Tuesday.

Grade 5/6 Students worked with 4 irregular verbs: Aller, faire, avoir & être. They also worked on their project: Galaxécole, 12 to 15 sentences, use the above verbs and an agenda. Describe your school.

Grade 1/2 Les prépositions: telling where things are. Learn, practice and illustrate.

Thursday, 11 May 2017


Grade 1/2 Adjectives and full sentences, and something really well done for the IB Portfolio.

Grade 7 Verbs Partir and Sortir, practice on activity sheets. For next class Monday, please have a quick sketch, 5-6 sentences using the sample sheet to prepare to use the unit vocabulary. Don't forget to use prepositions and the new verbs.
Grade 8 Worked on les pronoms disjoints. For next week, have your rough draft of the telephone message, so that Tuesday and Thursday we can conference, make changes/edit, and you have time to memorize the message for final performance task on Tuesday, May 23. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Grade 5/6 Today' s lesson was the futur proche. Students made sentences for practice, then had time to work on the project.

Grade 3/4 Today we finished listing the items from the Nature Walk (Monday). Students also wanted to show me crystals and minerals, so they were included in the discussion and the notes. On Monday, students will prepare a 3D collage of their walk findings and results.

JK/SK They completed the community helpers with 3 different pop up books. À la ferme, À la maison and l'eau à la ville.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Grade 1/2 The class have started to use the pronouns je, tu il, elle with the verb être. They have been able to match sentences to pictures as well as questions to answers.

Grade 7 Students read the intro to their unit on 'speleology' meaning caves and mines. They worked on vocabulary.
Grade 8 Students worked on new vocabulary related to environmental actions, and also telephone message samples. They have an outline skeleton to work on for Wednesday.

Grade 5/6 The Aliens have schools too! Students read about an aliens going to school and the little funny things that can happen with mistaken identity. Their next project is to build their own school according to their passion.

Grade 3/4 NATURE WALK! And what a great day to have it on! Students spent a good portion of class time outdoors, recording what they can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. When they came back, they were still feeling very calm and acknowledge that silence enhanced other senses.

JK/SK Today it was all around the pond. After identifying what they could see around the pond, they illustrated on their whiteboard all they learned, creating a vignette. Following this, students played a game where the animals or things found around the pond had 0, 2, 4 legs.

Friday, 5 May 2017


Grade 1/2 Following a review of the expressions with avoir, and because the students are always hungry, they decided to draw and write breakfast items for 'Le déjeuner'.

Grade 7 presented their inventions and read their letter.
Grade 8 received their instructions for their performance task. Please start thinking about your topic.

Grade 5/6 Exhibition reflection and wrap up. Students reviewed their rubric, and played a short game.

Grade 3/4 Les saisons. Students began working with vocabulary and short sentences.

JK/SK Expressions with avoir...a few riddles...a friendly competition...vrai ou faux game.

Thursday, 4 May 2017


Grade 1/2 More work with 'les expressions avec avoir'. Students don't mind, and they enjoy the challenge of a good game.

Grade 7- A few students have completed their good copy of a letter, worked on their drawing and the description of their invention.
TOMORROW, MAY 5TH, IS PRESENTATION DAY! Please, have your rough copy and good copy of the letter, the drawing and description of your apparatus/invention.

Grade 8- Students presented and read their letters, and were invited to offer their thanks to the celebrity mentioned.
They also were introduced to the Performance Task. They will receive more detailed instructions on Friday, May 5.

JK/SK After the routine of calendar and weather, students used the whole alphabet to find words they knew in French. The house riddle is always a fun way to finish class with.

Grade 3/4- Because the weather is not on our side, the nature walk is deferred to next week. Today, was all about Spring flowers and learning about the gender of articles (le la les). Students also did a reading /comprehension activity.

Monday, 1 May 2017


Grade 1/2 After the monthly assembly, students were challenged in games about the expressions with avoir. (review from last week).

Grade 7 - Students who had their rough copy done and ready for editing, got this done and are now working on drawing their invention and a brief explanation (description). This is due for Thursday, May 4.
Grade 8- Letters were edited, please write you good copy (type) and P.R.I.N.T. Also practice reading it, as this is part of the project.

Grade 5/6 The French component for each group is done! Great job all around and know that I am very proud of your efforts and successes.
The group who wrote letters, please practice reading them as the oral part is being marked. Today, you read for the first time, you should read a small part during your final presentation...this is why the other groups did a video/newscast.

Grade 3/4 Students reviewed the 5 senses, action verbs, the body parts associated to the 5 senses. They are also preparing for the nature walk, and today they used the question: qu'est-ce que c'est....sur/dans etc.
JK/SK Today was about very strange animals and funny colours. They did very well remembering the instructions.