Wednesday, 19 April 2017


Grade 1/2 Today's practice included the props and some actions. Keep practicing your lines, we are getting there.

Grade 3/4 Students began a short unit on domestic animals, related vocabulary to describe animals around us.

Grade 5/6 PYP Exhibition is in full swing, and students are translating newscast scripts and letters to officials. Two of the groups should have their work ready for editing on Friday.

Grade 7 The lesson was on the use of the pronoun 'Y'. It replaces location in  a sentences. Friday, students will be called to use the pronoun in their letter to a friend experiencing mobility challenges.

Grade 8- Students researched models of official letters, brainstormed ideas for a charity fundraising and a celebrity to endorse their cause. Homework for Friday: have a rough draft of your letter ready for editing.

JK/SK Today was all about raising the roof! Well, students also learned about the parts of the house, and main rooms.