Grade 1/2 After a little practice with the script, adding actions and thinking about props, students began to talk about: Pâques, le lapin de Pâques, les oeufs en chocolat, la chasse aux oeufs etc.
Grade 7 Today was review for passé composé with avoir. Students appreciated their study notes for reference. Homework: please have all of todays activities completed for Thursday's class.
Grade 8- Students are still working on complément d'objet direct and indirect. The rule for placement in the sentence is the same for both, and if you need to refresh your skills with verbs, such as vouloir, pouvoir...please study them from the textbook's grammar section. Homework: complete p 140.
Grade 5/6 Great work everyone! The novel 'Le voleur' is finished along with all the activity. Impressive work with the last Labyphrase!!! Finish your word search at home, if you have not completed it in class.
Grade 3/4 The play 'Café crocodile' is finished, and the last activity was done in class today. Students were very engaged with the script, and reading and comprehension level was excellent. Bravo!
JK/SK Pâques (Easter) is on everyone's mind and after some work with what the 'Lapin de Pâques' could do, students worked on colouring and colour recognition.