Friday, 7 April 2017


Grade 1/2 The play is coming along nicely, and students have started to add actions. They also completed the story board.
Please try and rehearse at home whenever you can.

Grade 7/8 Students took up the homework (both groups), and since several students were missing today, they played hangman with unit vocabulary using the smart board.
Homework gr.8 page 135, for Tuesday.

Grade 5/6 Today students worked with 'question words' where they had to find the perfect fit to a sentence. Of course, they answered as well.
There was time to discuss the French component for the Exhibition. They are leaning towards a newscast, which would cover drama, technology, written and oral French. Final decision is on Tuesday.

Grade 3/4 Since the students were all dressed up, they took turn to describe they costume: je porte...une robe, une jupe...un pantalon...un bonnet, un foulard etc. They also used the Chrome Book to look up when 'jeans' were created, and where the colour indigo comes from. Thanks Daniel for being today's researcher.

JK/SK We started to talk about 'les personnes dans notre communauté', and how students can be helpers themselves. In preparation for Earth Day, students figured out where certain things go: la boite bleue, la poubelle, le composteur.