Grade 1/2 Today is dedicated to written activities. Students worked on greetings, classroom objects. Most members of the class are well engaged with the daily routine and are using the questions we posted around the class room.
Grade 7 Take up homework on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Students started working on their tâche finale. Please have your rough copy ready for editing on Tuesday. If the work was done on the computer, have it printed as I will not make corrections on your computer. Make sure you have: irregular verbs (aller, faire, avoir, être), use l'impératif, use adjectifs possessifs and vocabulary from the unit. Have fun creating the ending of the story.
Grade 8 All students should have a rough draft of their web page to be edited today. We are also using a peer-edit system. The presentation will be on Tuesday, October 4th. Please note that should you have it on your computer to present, that is fine, however make sure to have a printed copy to give me. NO EXCEPTION!
Grade 5/6 Today is editing day!. We are peer-editing/ teacher editing, and there will be time for creating a picture of your recipe. Be ready to present next week on Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
Grade 3/4 Students have worked hard this week, so today is word search and missing letter day! Wyatt was our star student today, not only finishing his work first and participating but he also help everyone finish on time.
These activities have a preview of next week's words about Les animaux de compagnie.
JK/SK Octobre!! Les feuillles sont tombées...well, they will be if the wind keeps up through this weekend. Students have been drawing their interpretation of Fall.
A blog about all the fantastic work and experiences we have at TMA
Friday, 30 September 2016
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Grade 1/2 Students paired up to match partial words and hunt the classroom to find the objets. Great fun and a good way to learn.
Grade 7 Students worked on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Everyone worked well in collaboration.
Grade 8 Students mapped out the essentials of a Web page, and had a work period on their project. Rough draft due on Thursday.
Grade 5/6 Students had some time to work on their recipe. Rough draft must be completed on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Les animaux du Canada- où vivent-ils? Great fun today making our own cross word with September vocabulary.
JK/SK Finish je cueille des pommes...les animaux et leur habitat.
Grade 1/2 Students paired up to match partial words and hunt the classroom to find the objets. Great fun and a good way to learn.
Grade 7 Students worked on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Everyone worked well in collaboration.
Grade 8 Students mapped out the essentials of a Web page, and had a work period on their project. Rough draft due on Thursday.
Grade 5/6 Students had some time to work on their recipe. Rough draft must be completed on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Les animaux du Canada- où vivent-ils? Great fun today making our own cross word with September vocabulary.
JK/SK Finish je cueille des pommes...les animaux et leur habitat.
Monday, 26 September 2016
Grade 1/2 The lesson started with singing and identifying days of the week. This is a great way to learn the spelling of those words. The question today was : Quelle heure est-il? Students were quick to name different everyday items to tell time: une horloge, une montre, une tablette, un sablier. They wrote the question in their notebook and choose two words to illustrate.
Grade 7 & 8 watched a short video about an interview where Jeremy Pastel, a young entrepreneur, is giving advice on starting a business in Canada, especially when you are an immigrant. Following this video, the class brainstormed strategies for LISTENING to understand. The group came up with very pertinent ideas such as: watching expressions and listening to vocal tone and pauses in the speech. Listening for words they already know, and keeping in mind the whole context of what they are listening to to further their knowledge.
The class also understood that the interview had local, national and international advice for everyone, no matter how big or small the enterprise is, and to be careful of stereotyping individuals base on their skin colour or ethnicity.
Grade 7 Please ensure that you have ideas ready to share for your tâche finale.
Grade 8 You will start mapping out your work to do your web page on Wednesday. Come prepared with your ideas.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the comprehension component of the story read last week. They also found several words resembling English in the text. They are now very aware of the fact that they CAN read and understand most of the text. They also put together a list of action words to be used when cooking/baking and giving a recipe. The verb tense 'l'impératif' is used to give orders, commands or strong suggestions. Homework: have a recipe to work with by Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 In preparation for completing the unit on companion animals, we decided to take a small detour and learn the names of Canadian animals (wild). There was a short discussion about the Canadian climate, seasons, and the fact that Canada has so much water around. Students split in 4 groups to represent the following categories: mammifères, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles. After writing 3 or 4 animals per category, they chose one and had to illustrate its habitat. If not finished, it is homework.
JK/SK After the routine work, students work on their booklet about apples, colours, and actions words such as 'je cueille une pomme, je mange une pomme, je coupe la pomme et je fais de la compote de pomme, du jus de pomme, des pommes au caramel et du gâteau aux pommes. Yum! Bonne visite au verger de pomme demain!!!
Grade 1/2 The lesson started with singing and identifying days of the week. This is a great way to learn the spelling of those words. The question today was : Quelle heure est-il? Students were quick to name different everyday items to tell time: une horloge, une montre, une tablette, un sablier. They wrote the question in their notebook and choose two words to illustrate.
Grade 7 & 8 watched a short video about an interview where Jeremy Pastel, a young entrepreneur, is giving advice on starting a business in Canada, especially when you are an immigrant. Following this video, the class brainstormed strategies for LISTENING to understand. The group came up with very pertinent ideas such as: watching expressions and listening to vocal tone and pauses in the speech. Listening for words they already know, and keeping in mind the whole context of what they are listening to to further their knowledge.
The class also understood that the interview had local, national and international advice for everyone, no matter how big or small the enterprise is, and to be careful of stereotyping individuals base on their skin colour or ethnicity.
Grade 7 Please ensure that you have ideas ready to share for your tâche finale.
Grade 8 You will start mapping out your work to do your web page on Wednesday. Come prepared with your ideas.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the comprehension component of the story read last week. They also found several words resembling English in the text. They are now very aware of the fact that they CAN read and understand most of the text. They also put together a list of action words to be used when cooking/baking and giving a recipe. The verb tense 'l'impératif' is used to give orders, commands or strong suggestions. Homework: have a recipe to work with by Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 In preparation for completing the unit on companion animals, we decided to take a small detour and learn the names of Canadian animals (wild). There was a short discussion about the Canadian climate, seasons, and the fact that Canada has so much water around. Students split in 4 groups to represent the following categories: mammifères, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles. After writing 3 or 4 animals per category, they chose one and had to illustrate its habitat. If not finished, it is homework.
JK/SK After the routine work, students work on their booklet about apples, colours, and actions words such as 'je cueille une pomme, je mange une pomme, je coupe la pomme et je fais de la compote de pomme, du jus de pomme, des pommes au caramel et du gâteau aux pommes. Yum! Bonne visite au verger de pomme demain!!!
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Grade 1/2 Students held banners with the names of days of the week. They had to mix and match the cards, but sing them in order. Lots of fun! After this round of singing, they had a marathon on colour questions (mostly related to autumn).
They finished the class with a Fall colouring activity.
Grade 7 & 8 There was an activity (quiz) on adjectives. For the grade 7, it was more for assessment purposes and get a baseline on their general knowledge. Thank you Cole and Ben for mentoring the new students.
Grade 8 Students reviewed adjectives that would be more suitable to describe each other, and these should be used in their summative task (la tâche finale).
Homework: be ready to present yourself, without reading from your notes too much. Also, read p 22-23 for Tuesday.
Grade 5/6 Students did a good job on their quiz, and also did an activity with unscrambling words describing cooking activities. La tâche finale will begin next week. The rest of the period was spent taking turns reading a text: O SOLE MIO
Homework: find words that look like English in the text (part A).
Grade 3/4 Today was the best class ever! Students recalled what they saw at the educational centre. We talked about: Les marais, filtre, grenouille, hérons bleus, quenouilles and so much more. Then, they illustrated and labelled their favorite sightings from the field trip.
JK/SK Taylor was the leader and did a good job with the calendar in French. Everyone is enjoying counting and singing. L'automne est arrivé! They are learning a new 'contine' about being a tree inn the wind and leaves falling. So, if you hear them saying 'je suis un arbre, il fait du vent, les feuilles sont tombées', don't be surprised. They ended with a colouring activity about apple picking which will be completed next week.
Grade 1/2 Students held banners with the names of days of the week. They had to mix and match the cards, but sing them in order. Lots of fun! After this round of singing, they had a marathon on colour questions (mostly related to autumn).
They finished the class with a Fall colouring activity.
Grade 7 & 8 There was an activity (quiz) on adjectives. For the grade 7, it was more for assessment purposes and get a baseline on their general knowledge. Thank you Cole and Ben for mentoring the new students.
Grade 8 Students reviewed adjectives that would be more suitable to describe each other, and these should be used in their summative task (la tâche finale).
Homework: be ready to present yourself, without reading from your notes too much. Also, read p 22-23 for Tuesday.
Grade 5/6 Students did a good job on their quiz, and also did an activity with unscrambling words describing cooking activities. La tâche finale will begin next week. The rest of the period was spent taking turns reading a text: O SOLE MIO
Homework: find words that look like English in the text (part A).
Grade 3/4 Today was the best class ever! Students recalled what they saw at the educational centre. We talked about: Les marais, filtre, grenouille, hérons bleus, quenouilles and so much more. Then, they illustrated and labelled their favorite sightings from the field trip.
JK/SK Taylor was the leader and did a good job with the calendar in French. Everyone is enjoying counting and singing. L'automne est arrivé! They are learning a new 'contine' about being a tree inn the wind and leaves falling. So, if you hear them saying 'je suis un arbre, il fait du vent, les feuilles sont tombées', don't be surprised. They ended with a colouring activity about apple picking which will be completed next week.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
IN THE NEWS TODAY: GRADE 5 -ADELLE, HAYDEN AND MAPLE spent some time with our Nathan in JK who wanted to play soccer. By the way, Nathan can kick that ball quite far. Thank you for being a role model of patience, and caring. House points for all three of you.
Grade 1/2 Great work was done today. Two frequently asked questions: comment ça va? and quel âge ass-tu? Students, after much practice, wrote and illustrated their answers in their notebook.
Grade 7 After taking their homework, students reviewed l'impératif, a verb tense to indicate a command or a sense of urgency. They learned about the formation and use, then practiced.
HOMEWORK: please complete page 14, take your time and demonstrate you understand what you read, and do not forget to conjugate your verbs (don't leave them at l'infinitif).
Grade 8 Students listened on the lesson on l'impératif along with the grade 7. They also discussed and mapped out how much of their time was spent on social medias and talked about strategies on how they could monitor their use. Amazing when you see it in writing and on a graph!
HOMEWORK: please write a short paragraph about yourself. Please include 3 irregular adjectives, and 5 pronominal verbs.
Grade 5/6 Today's lesson was Le partitif. After looking at the word for clues as to its meaning, students observed: part, it, if. So, we came up with a saying to remember when to use it. (du, de la, des and de l'). Use it when there is a part and it can't be counted...and only if you cannot count!
HOMEWORK; Thursday, Sept. 22, quiz on spelling ingredients and using du, de la and des. Review your previous work and you will do well.
Grade 3/4 It is time to get in line with the unit of inquiry: O Canada. Singing the national anthem and understand the words, the protocol (etiquette). Thank you Sophie for your explanation of etiquette, well done! Following this, students brainstormed about their basic rights (the charter) of Food, Shelter, Education and feeling safe. After, they illustrated where they live and progressed to province to country, continent to planet Earth...galaxy. Ville, province, pays, continent, Terre, Galaxie...
JK/SK Today's leader (le chef) was Jonathan and he did a great job with the calendar. Aujourd'hui, c'est mardi...How amazing that they count up to 20 as a group with so little help. They are learning to sing bonne fête...since it was Brooke's birthday. We finished with a story on animals and camouflage.
IN THE NEWS TODAY: GRADE 5 -ADELLE, HAYDEN AND MAPLE spent some time with our Nathan in JK who wanted to play soccer. By the way, Nathan can kick that ball quite far. Thank you for being a role model of patience, and caring. House points for all three of you.
Grade 1/2 Great work was done today. Two frequently asked questions: comment ça va? and quel âge ass-tu? Students, after much practice, wrote and illustrated their answers in their notebook.
Grade 7 After taking their homework, students reviewed l'impératif, a verb tense to indicate a command or a sense of urgency. They learned about the formation and use, then practiced.
HOMEWORK: please complete page 14, take your time and demonstrate you understand what you read, and do not forget to conjugate your verbs (don't leave them at l'infinitif).
Grade 8 Students listened on the lesson on l'impératif along with the grade 7. They also discussed and mapped out how much of their time was spent on social medias and talked about strategies on how they could monitor their use. Amazing when you see it in writing and on a graph!
HOMEWORK: please write a short paragraph about yourself. Please include 3 irregular adjectives, and 5 pronominal verbs.
Grade 5/6 Today's lesson was Le partitif. After looking at the word for clues as to its meaning, students observed: part, it, if. So, we came up with a saying to remember when to use it. (du, de la, des and de l'). Use it when there is a part and it can't be counted...and only if you cannot count!
HOMEWORK; Thursday, Sept. 22, quiz on spelling ingredients and using du, de la and des. Review your previous work and you will do well.
Grade 3/4 It is time to get in line with the unit of inquiry: O Canada. Singing the national anthem and understand the words, the protocol (etiquette). Thank you Sophie for your explanation of etiquette, well done! Following this, students brainstormed about their basic rights (the charter) of Food, Shelter, Education and feeling safe. After, they illustrated where they live and progressed to province to country, continent to planet Earth...galaxy. Ville, province, pays, continent, Terre, Galaxie...
JK/SK Today's leader (le chef) was Jonathan and he did a great job with the calendar. Aujourd'hui, c'est mardi...How amazing that they count up to 20 as a group with so little help. They are learning to sing bonne fête...since it was Brooke's birthday. We finished with a story on animals and camouflage.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Grade 1/2 After the routine of calendar and weather, students learned how to write the questions in their notebooks and illustrate the two of them: Quelle est la date? and Quel temps fait-il? There was just enough time to squeeze the story of Benjamin a peur de la nuit.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework, and also realize that a little time spent working on what they learned only re-inforces their knowledge, and if they find it difficult, you should ask a classmate for help or email the teacher. But to reach success, one must try first. They also spent time researching Canadian astronauts. The information will be shared next week. Great team work everyone!!!
HOMEWORK; page 12
Both groups, 7 & 8, had a lively game of connect four with verbs.
Grade 8 FSF1D Students brainstormed about internet safety features. They are very informed already. Both groups participated in a friendly verb battle.
HOMEWORK: Please complete the handout on daily routine (both sides).
Grade 5/6 Students continued working on the formation of the negative in the written form. They are still working with reading and writing the name of ingredients. This will be useful next week when they start learning the partitive.
Grade 3/4 Students learned how to say numbers in their ordinal form: premier, deuxième, troisième...etc. They also did a task, orally and written, about the days of the week in their proper order.
JK/SK Students worked well as a team. Thank you, Santino, for doing the calendar. The routine is starting to be well in place. Today, the focus was on colous, with a litlle bit of farm animals and stories where they had to recognize the colour words. Well done!
Grade 1/2 After the routine of calendar and weather, students learned how to write the questions in their notebooks and illustrate the two of them: Quelle est la date? and Quel temps fait-il? There was just enough time to squeeze the story of Benjamin a peur de la nuit.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework, and also realize that a little time spent working on what they learned only re-inforces their knowledge, and if they find it difficult, you should ask a classmate for help or email the teacher. But to reach success, one must try first. They also spent time researching Canadian astronauts. The information will be shared next week. Great team work everyone!!!
HOMEWORK; page 12
Both groups, 7 & 8, had a lively game of connect four with verbs.
Grade 8 FSF1D Students brainstormed about internet safety features. They are very informed already. Both groups participated in a friendly verb battle.
HOMEWORK: Please complete the handout on daily routine (both sides).
Grade 5/6 Students continued working on the formation of the negative in the written form. They are still working with reading and writing the name of ingredients. This will be useful next week when they start learning the partitive.
Grade 3/4 Students learned how to say numbers in their ordinal form: premier, deuxième, troisième...etc. They also did a task, orally and written, about the days of the week in their proper order.
JK/SK Students worked well as a team. Thank you, Santino, for doing the calendar. The routine is starting to be well in place. Today, the focus was on colous, with a litlle bit of farm animals and stories where they had to recognize the colour words. Well done!
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Here is today's menu!
Grade 1/2 In order to do our classroom objects review, students split into 2 teams and played a lively game of tic tac toe. Well done Charlotte and Grace for being team captains.
Grade 7 Good reading of the comic strip. It was great to hear your good diction throughout. Please, everyone, do your homework as it is a good way of knowing what you understand and what you don't. If today's work was not all completed with the verbs aller, faire, avoir and être from the textbook, this is your homework.
Grade 8 Please read Une journée à mon goût for Friday. Observe the reflexive verbs, and see if you can spot them. Good job on your sentences today and make sure you research the gender of the nouns...just don't leave it as a guess.
Grade 5/6 Today was the introduction of ER ending verbs and the use of the negative. Students took turns telling what they did not like on their pizza and they would not order. Also, they read 2 selections from the textbook and took jot notes in their cahier of action words to be used later.
Grade 3/4 Today was all about Math. They wrote numbers 0-12 and brainstormed about where they would see or use numbers in their written form.
JK/SK The routine is starting to get established and today Kole did the calendar with Aiden's help. They are chanting the days of the week, months of the year and counting. It was a busy class!
Here is today's menu!
Grade 1/2 In order to do our classroom objects review, students split into 2 teams and played a lively game of tic tac toe. Well done Charlotte and Grace for being team captains.
Grade 7 Good reading of the comic strip. It was great to hear your good diction throughout. Please, everyone, do your homework as it is a good way of knowing what you understand and what you don't. If today's work was not all completed with the verbs aller, faire, avoir and être from the textbook, this is your homework.
Grade 8 Please read Une journée à mon goût for Friday. Observe the reflexive verbs, and see if you can spot them. Good job on your sentences today and make sure you research the gender of the nouns...just don't leave it as a guess.
Grade 5/6 Today was the introduction of ER ending verbs and the use of the negative. Students took turns telling what they did not like on their pizza and they would not order. Also, they read 2 selections from the textbook and took jot notes in their cahier of action words to be used later.
Grade 3/4 Today was all about Math. They wrote numbers 0-12 and brainstormed about where they would see or use numbers in their written form.
JK/SK The routine is starting to get established and today Kole did the calendar with Aiden's help. They are chanting the days of the week, months of the year and counting. It was a busy class!
Monday, 12 September 2016
Grade 1/2 The day started with Le Hibou. Each owl had the name of classroom objects that the students had to locate around the class. Then, it was time to sit down, write and illustrate a couple of the words. If a student has not completed 2 objects (illustration, mostly) they can finish it for Wednesday. Great class!
Grade 7 In order for all the students to realize their full potential, one has to be aware of what they know and what they need to know. So students created their personal list. We started with les pronoms possessifs, students made a list, a grid, for future reference. HOMEWORK: make a sentence with the following verbs. avoir, être, aller, faire. 1 sentence for each of the verbs. Now, if you realize that you either don't know or cannot remember the present tense of these verbs, look at the back of your textbook and make sure to share your concerns if you have any.
Grade 8-Thank you everyone for returning your Reach Ahead forms!
Today's discussion was about reading strategies. Great input from all 4 students. Students also started with the same grid of pronouns but added the pronominals pronouns to their grid. HOMEWORK is to practice with verbs found on p.18.
Grade 5/6 Students explored the elements of a restaurant menu. Following this, and because they love pizza..., they created a list of ingredients found in their books. Finally, they created a special pizza for Mr. Hunt, Mr. Playford and one for myself as well. They had to consider and decide what ingredients they thought each of us would want. They pretty well nailed it!
Grade 3/4 In order to review their classroom objects, students received a list of useful objects that they then had to match with school activities. For example, je dessine avec...un crayon à colorier...HOMEWORK: complete the exercise in your notebook. Choose 4 items you can use to match an activity. There should not be too much to do as almost everyone was done in class.
JK/SK What fun they had today, running around to bring objects with certain colours, counting to ten, answer to comment t'appelles-tu? and quel âge as-tu?
Bravo, tout le monde!
Grade 1/2 The day started with Le Hibou. Each owl had the name of classroom objects that the students had to locate around the class. Then, it was time to sit down, write and illustrate a couple of the words. If a student has not completed 2 objects (illustration, mostly) they can finish it for Wednesday. Great class!
Grade 7 In order for all the students to realize their full potential, one has to be aware of what they know and what they need to know. So students created their personal list. We started with les pronoms possessifs, students made a list, a grid, for future reference. HOMEWORK: make a sentence with the following verbs. avoir, être, aller, faire. 1 sentence for each of the verbs. Now, if you realize that you either don't know or cannot remember the present tense of these verbs, look at the back of your textbook and make sure to share your concerns if you have any.
Grade 8-Thank you everyone for returning your Reach Ahead forms!
Today's discussion was about reading strategies. Great input from all 4 students. Students also started with the same grid of pronouns but added the pronominals pronouns to their grid. HOMEWORK is to practice with verbs found on p.18.
Grade 5/6 Students explored the elements of a restaurant menu. Following this, and because they love pizza..., they created a list of ingredients found in their books. Finally, they created a special pizza for Mr. Hunt, Mr. Playford and one for myself as well. They had to consider and decide what ingredients they thought each of us would want. They pretty well nailed it!
Grade 3/4 In order to review their classroom objects, students received a list of useful objects that they then had to match with school activities. For example, je dessine avec...un crayon à colorier...HOMEWORK: complete the exercise in your notebook. Choose 4 items you can use to match an activity. There should not be too much to do as almost everyone was done in class.
JK/SK What fun they had today, running around to bring objects with certain colours, counting to ten, answer to comment t'appelles-tu? and quel âge as-tu?
Bravo, tout le monde!
Thursday, 8 September 2016
The day started with the grade 1/2 class. We talked about the summer and who we are...names, age...Sarah was the only one in the class to know the secret code. Just a friendly reminder, if your child has not yet brought in a binder (1in., 3 ring) to keep all their French material together, please have it ready to go for Monday. Students also received their textbook and notebook. See you on Monday!
Grade 7 Today was about going through the textbooks, notebooks...Again, it was nice to see pro-active students ready with their binders (thank you for re-cycling last year's binders). Students made a list of things they want to accomplish this year and jotted down the statement of inquiry for their up and coming unit.
Grade 8 Students went through the same routine and took a look at what their projects will be this year.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS LETTER GOING HOME FOR THE PARENTS TO SIGN. THIS IS THE REACH AHEAD PERMISSION FORM TO TAKE THE GRADE 9 FRENCH PROGRAM. I will need these to keep on file at St-Jude's Academy so we can issue the credit for FSF1D at the High School level.
Grade 5/6 After going through the routine and textbook...again students will need to bring binders to keep their French material together. The class did an ice-breaker activity...literally drew an iceberg of talent and success as the tip, and the sub-merged part was for all the attributes to be able to demonstrate success.
Grade 3/4 Thank you Sophie for being the only one who knew the secret code, This earned house points!!! After the routine was reviewed, textbooks handed out, students brainstormed about what makes them think of French. They drew and coloured their first international French pictures...macaroons, Eiffel Tower, cheese, ice cream (it was so hot), flags... very creative!
JK/SK It was a great class considering the heat and the time of day but everyone rallied and Aiden did the calendar, they counted, moved around 'on s'assoit, on se lève...Students are learning to sing the days of the week in English and inn French. They are learning that what they say and do, I can do it in French too! Today's fascinating word was POMME.
The day started with the grade 1/2 class. We talked about the summer and who we are...names, age...Sarah was the only one in the class to know the secret code. Just a friendly reminder, if your child has not yet brought in a binder (1in., 3 ring) to keep all their French material together, please have it ready to go for Monday. Students also received their textbook and notebook. See you on Monday!
Grade 7 Today was about going through the textbooks, notebooks...Again, it was nice to see pro-active students ready with their binders (thank you for re-cycling last year's binders). Students made a list of things they want to accomplish this year and jotted down the statement of inquiry for their up and coming unit.
Grade 8 Students went through the same routine and took a look at what their projects will be this year.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS LETTER GOING HOME FOR THE PARENTS TO SIGN. THIS IS THE REACH AHEAD PERMISSION FORM TO TAKE THE GRADE 9 FRENCH PROGRAM. I will need these to keep on file at St-Jude's Academy so we can issue the credit for FSF1D at the High School level.
Grade 5/6 After going through the routine and textbook...again students will need to bring binders to keep their French material together. The class did an ice-breaker activity...literally drew an iceberg of talent and success as the tip, and the sub-merged part was for all the attributes to be able to demonstrate success.
Grade 3/4 Thank you Sophie for being the only one who knew the secret code, This earned house points!!! After the routine was reviewed, textbooks handed out, students brainstormed about what makes them think of French. They drew and coloured their first international French pictures...macaroons, Eiffel Tower, cheese, ice cream (it was so hot), flags... very creative!
JK/SK It was a great class considering the heat and the time of day but everyone rallied and Aiden did the calendar, they counted, moved around 'on s'assoit, on se lève...Students are learning to sing the days of the week in English and inn French. They are learning that what they say and do, I can do it in French too! Today's fascinating word was POMME.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
The count down is on, and here at TMA, we are excited to welcome you back to school.
I have been working through the summer to make this coming school year fun and full of activities.
I would like to remind everyone from grades 1 to 8 to bring a 'cartable' (binder) to keep all your French material in the same spot. Everyone knows by now how full they can get, so a 1 inch, 3 ring binder is what you need. You can personalize with a French flair (which we will do on the first day of class).
See you soon!!!
A note to all the parents.
Once again this year, I will be sharing my time between TMA and SJA. I will be at The Maples every other day which will be easier on the students, with no long periods without French on some of the weeks.
I am always available by email:
Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me should you need additional information or if you have concerns.
À bientôt,
Madame V.
The count down is on, and here at TMA, we are excited to welcome you back to school.
I have been working through the summer to make this coming school year fun and full of activities.
I would like to remind everyone from grades 1 to 8 to bring a 'cartable' (binder) to keep all your French material in the same spot. Everyone knows by now how full they can get, so a 1 inch, 3 ring binder is what you need. You can personalize with a French flair (which we will do on the first day of class).
See you soon!!!
A note to all the parents.
Once again this year, I will be sharing my time between TMA and SJA. I will be at The Maples every other day which will be easier on the students, with no long periods without French on some of the weeks.
I am always available by email:
Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me should you need additional information or if you have concerns.
À bientôt,
Madame V.
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