Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Grade5/6 are working on irregular adjectives. They were able to describe themselves by using 3 adjectives with different endings. This is a rather difficult grammar concept to grasp and the students will be working on this for a while.

Grade 3/4 discovered that there are several types of clown and that they usually demonstrate a specific feeling. Today, they read a story about a day in a clown's life.

Grade 7/8 started using the pronoun ON. They are also discovering that knowing your verbs, regular or irregular, is priceless.

Grade 1/2 had a think tank kind of day. They named buildings we find around town and also had a look at a map of Canada to better understand where they live.  The big question is 'où habites-tu?  More to come for how to ask for directions.

JK/SK class was all about how far can you count. Since they have used the calendar on a daily basis, they felt pretty confident about counting. This was followed by a fun activity where they have to match actions to instructions. Something in the line of 'frappe des mains,
saute, arrête and so on. Tomorrow, they are starting on La migration.