This morning, there was our first of the month assembly. The grade 5/6 did not have French. I am certain they will catch up tomorrow.
Grade 3/4 only had 15 minutes of French today. But, for the most part, they completed the activity where they had to tell us about what type to T.V. shows they like or dislike. A few students even had time to independently read the portion of a read & comprehension story.
Grade 7/8 students presented their project this morning. They demonstrated originality and several twists and turns in their version of a robbery. Three students will present tomorrow. Look at the front bulletin board later this week to see what they came up with.
Grade 1/2 were introduced to HENRIE. They are learning the parts of the face and they started to write their vocabulary. They had fun talking about bonus words and caught on early that 'la langue' is what we use to speak a 'language' and 'les dents' are what the dentist wants to see.
JK/SK are welcoming Victor to our French circle. All the students were able to name 2 weather cards today. Then, they reviewed the fruit vocabulary and their respective colours.Tomorrow, we start with vegetable.