Friday, 21 November 2014


Ah quelle semaine fantastique!

Grade 5/6 have put the final touches to their 'Tâche finale' and are presenting today.
They had fun investigating and describing a mystery teacher. Well done, everyone!

Grade 3/4 are almost finished making their masks. Today, they will prepare sentences for their presentations.  The sentences are to be memorized for Monday. Great work in process!

Grade 7/8 played a verb game using [être. avoir, faire and aller. The girls handsomely beat the boys by making good use of the unit vocabulary.

Grade 1/2 watched the movie TINTIN in French. Well deserved treat after a long week.

JK/SK completed the migration, hibernation and dormancy colouring package. They really enjoy acting out the animals actions.

Bonne fin de semaine à tous.