Friday, 28 November 2014


Enfin, le premier bulletin est fait! What a fantastic first term for everyone.

Grade 3/4 are very interested in precious stones and minerals. So, they are doing some research on the subject. A few students asked if they could bring books on precious stones to look at. This group is consistently asking questions. Good on them!

Grade 5/6 worked on expressions with the verb avoir. In English,  they would say I am cold, in French we say j'ai froid. They were quick to catch on and make up their own expressions and sentences.

Grade 7/8 are still working on the comparative and superlative. It is all about the agreement of the adjective with the noun. There is still work to be done.
Also, the students identified the demonstrative adjectives. Hum! Yes, it is still about the agreement......

Grade 1/2 completed an activity on the spelling of specific buildings. For the most part, the students were able to self check their answers by solving the hidden word in the solution.

JK/SK are growing so fast. On days like today, they come in the classroom and get organized with their routine with hardly any help. They sing their concert lullaby, at least the first part, by heart.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Grade 5/6 have completed the read and comprehension unit and it is wonderful to realize that they did not have many words that needed explanation.
They also had a competition and worked with their housemates on unscrambling sentences. Kappa won today!

Grade 3/4 worked on a story and handily answered the questions. They also worked on creating questions such as 'qui est-ce? and 'qu'est-ce que c'est?

Grade 7/8 are making sense of the superlative and comparative form. Ahhhhh! the feminine and masculine and singular and plural and what articles and...and... not as easy as it looks!

Grade1/2 are working on directions around town. Where to go if ...I need to learn, I want some money, food...Also how to ask for a specific place. They are playing hangman to learn the spelling of vocabulary, answering to clues etc... great fun all around.

JK/SK are signing in the halls! We can't really tell you what the song is  since it is a Christmas concert surprise. But, I can tell you they are really excited about it.

Friday, 21 November 2014


Ah quelle semaine fantastique!

Grade 5/6 have put the final touches to their 'Tâche finale' and are presenting today.
They had fun investigating and describing a mystery teacher. Well done, everyone!

Grade 3/4 are almost finished making their masks. Today, they will prepare sentences for their presentations.  The sentences are to be memorized for Monday. Great work in process!

Grade 7/8 played a verb game using [être. avoir, faire and aller. The girls handsomely beat the boys by making good use of the unit vocabulary.

Grade 1/2 watched the movie TINTIN in French. Well deserved treat after a long week.

JK/SK completed the migration, hibernation and dormancy colouring package. They really enjoy acting out the animals actions.

Bonne fin de semaine à tous. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


This week is quite exciting. Monday, the children were at the RO.M. and tomorrow they will be taking part in International Mindedness Day. 

Grade 5/6 were roaming the hall in search of a suspect (teacher) to describe both physically as well as their clothing. Their presentations is due on Friday morning. Most of the written work is done in class and they will have only the illustrations to do if they have not completed it in the class.

Grade 3/4 are in the middle of their clown unit. What better way to show emotion than with a clown. Each students made a mask depicting a different feeling then, they choose a setting for their performance and short skit. Vocabulary for this unit revolves around: fâché, triste, nerveux, timide, heureux...They are loving it!

Grade 7/8 are working on a unit about animals used in sciences. They are very keen on learning the different contributions made to science made by these bizarre animals, fish, reptiles etc...

Grade 1/2 are working on giving directions for different buildings in town. So, the extension of this unit corresponds to places in France since this is their country for the Internaitonal Mindedness Day. They used an interactive map of France and took turn to place regions of France on an internet puzzle.

JK/SK students declared that the pre-schoolers deserved house points for telling the weather without help. Bravo! They also wanted to know a few words of French about Switzerland.  

Thursday, 13 November 2014


Grade 5/6 brain stormed clothing vocabulary for the ancient civilization. They came up with: toge, tunique, ceinture, sandales, laurier (couronne), écharpe... The students decided to talk about this as a preview for their trip to the R.O.M.

Grade 3/4 are working on vocabulary related to body parts. So ,they sang the well known tune of 'tête, épaules, genoux et pieds...then had to memorize the words and their spelling in 1 minute. Bravo, Ava!

Grade 7/8  took up yesterday's homework and completed the information grid for bizarre animals. Crosswords on the unit vocabulary and verbs will be completed as homework.

Grade 1/2 are now preparing for International Mindedness Day. Since their class is doing France, Ms Clapham and I are planning activities together. It will be happening in the French room and the students will be in charge of French activities for the rest of the school.
At this point, they are humming La Marseillaise! They also brain stormed the typical French food. Hum, a lot of suggestions came up.

JK/SK had fun today while pretending they were 'des ours, des bernaches, des écureuils'. Then, they added actions to demonstrate what those animals would do when Winter arrives.
La migration, l'hibernation et la dormance.  

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Grade5/6 are working on irregular adjectives. They were able to describe themselves by using 3 adjectives with different endings. This is a rather difficult grammar concept to grasp and the students will be working on this for a while.

Grade 3/4 discovered that there are several types of clown and that they usually demonstrate a specific feeling. Today, they read a story about a day in a clown's life.

Grade 7/8 started using the pronoun ON. They are also discovering that knowing your verbs, regular or irregular, is priceless.

Grade 1/2 had a think tank kind of day. They named buildings we find around town and also had a look at a map of Canada to better understand where they live.  The big question is 'où habites-tu?  More to come for how to ask for directions.

JK/SK class was all about how far can you count. Since they have used the calendar on a daily basis, they felt pretty confident about counting. This was followed by a fun activity where they have to match actions to instructions. Something in the line of 'frappe des mains,
saute, arrête and so on. Tomorrow, they are starting on La migration.

Friday, 7 November 2014


If you have missed the French blog this week, I apologize. There was a connectivity problem at the school and since I live in a rural area, the internet...

Grade 5/6 are still working on the agreement of a variety of adjectives. Thank you to Ben and Abby for researching the type of clothing of the French society and army back in 1914. It generated a lot of discussion regarding the how and why of fashion at the time. We choose this period in preparation for International Mindedness Day later this month.
The students also learned the words paix, pays and liberté to commemorate Remembrance Day.

Grade 3/4 also had the opportunity to learn the above mentioned vocabulary and they took turns to explain why they would chose liberté over paix. Then, they continued working on their IB profile portrait and attributes because, you know feelings rock!!! Just ask your child if a feeling can be written in stone. One hint, they each received an engraved stone with a feeling.

Grade 7/8 are now into unit 3, Les animaux bizarres. But, today Connor surprised everyone by telling us why he choose la liberté over la paix...ALL IN FRENCH!!!!

JK/SK had a treat today. We had a movie with the different characters searching for vegetables in the garden as well as fishing. The series is called Passe-Partout.

Grade 1/2 teamed up to work on a word search containing the vocabulary related to the face. All of this week was dedicated to HENRIE! He is a very funny looking guy...just ask them.

I wish everyone a good time on this extended weekend.  

Monday, 3 November 2014


This morning, there was our first of the month assembly. The grade 5/6 did not have French. I am certain they will catch up tomorrow.

Grade 3/4 only had 15 minutes of French today. But, for the most part, they completed the activity where they had to tell us about what type to T.V. shows they like or dislike. A few students even had time to independently read the portion of a read & comprehension story.

Grade 7/8 students presented their project this morning. They demonstrated originality and several twists and turns in their version of a robbery. Three students will present tomorrow. Look at the front bulletin board later this week to see what they came up with.

Grade 1/2 were introduced to HENRIE.  They are learning the parts of the face and they started to write their vocabulary. They had fun talking about bonus words and caught on early that 'la langue' is what we use to speak a 'language' and 'les dents' are what the dentist wants to see.

JK/SK are welcoming Victor to our French circle. All the students were able to name 2 weather cards today. Then, they reviewed the fruit vocabulary and their respective colours.Tomorrow, we start with vegetable.