JK & SK continued exploring the possibilities offered by various modes of transportation. They are using their own family travels to identify which vehicule works best for their needs.
Grade 1 worked on vocabulary for food. Cross words were done with the help of their textbooks and pictures.
Grade 2 were risk takers today and tested their knowledge to identify sentences best suited to represent a selection of pictures.
Grade 3 & 4 did a group reading (grade 4 reading was individual) from the 'Nature Observation' unit. For the rest of the week, they will be asking questions such as: 'Qu'est-ce que...?' and 'où est...? while working from their personnal word bank.
Grade 5 worked on their poetry. Well done, everyone! Monday, they will read their litterature gems to the class.
Grade 6 are working on the read & comprehension unit. A story about two sharks experiencing boredom from eating too much sushi...
Grade 7 & 8 delivered their well researched projects on carverns. Great pictures accompanied their text, including a couple of students who photoshopped themselves inside the caves. GREAT JOB, EVERYONE!!!