Monday, 9 June 2014


Bonjour à tous!

We are now on the homestretch towards the summer vacation and the students are balancing the knowledge they acquired throughout the year and reflecting on how they apply what they have been learning.

All in all, it was a successful and productive year.

This week:
JK & SK are adding actions to the mode of transportation. We are using orange cones and today the children were given a set of instructions to travel from one cone to the other while acting out a specific vehicule. (i.e. un avion, une fusée, un train...)

Grade 1 did some seat work with cloze activities. The students are quite good at detecting the words to accompany an image.

Grade 2 are reviewing adjectives with different genders and composing their own sentences to illustrate their understanding.

Grade 3 & 4 worked on sentences with 'il y a un, une, des...' Où est la, le, l'...'
They are wonderful communicators and open-minded when it comes to speaking French. Bravo!

Grade 5  This morning we were treated to heartfelt poetry! The students used actions and very descriptive adjectives to describe their illustration of a weather event. Well done, everyone!

Grade 6 were the audience par excellence and gave their approval to the recitation. They also started a quiz on 'voir' which will be completed on Wednesday. Tomorrow, is the aquarium presentation.

Grade 7 & 8 read about modern construction around the world. They had to manage several dates and numbers. Good excercise for numbers 0 - 10,000...