C'est la dernière semaine complète!
All the students are now in revision mode.
JK & SK are working with vocabulary related to summer activities. Look for words such as: lampe de poche, tente, feu de camp, guimauve, sac de couchage... Today, they listened to 'Benjamin fait du camping'.
Grade 1 had fun with the jungle puppets and discovered which actions they can do and their animals could not do. This will continue tomorrow as well.
Grade 2 were counting by two in French 2 to 100. They reviewed the teen numbers that we use for 70 and 90. In other words, we did Math en français.
Then, they tested their abilities to recall a medley of vocabulary in writing.
Well done!
Grade 3 & 4 were away at C.F.F.C. today. On Tuesday, they will present their nature projects and these will go on display on the French bulletin board. Everyone is invited to have a look at these very creative 3 D forests.
Grade 5 were reviewing their adjectives and started their texts to descibe an endangered animal of their choice.
Grade 6 are reviewing 'Faire & Aller' and are preparing their publicity blurb for their summer camp. They are divided in 3 groups according to their interests.
They should present Thursday or Friday, depending on whether we have a track meet tomorrow.
Grade 7 & 8 are re-visiting their irregular adjectives...not an easy task! Passé composé with être is pretty well firmed up for everyone...albeit with the odd reminders...