Thursday, 19 June 2014

Grade 3 & 4
L'observation de la nature
collage & collaboration

Monday, 16 June 2014


C'est la dernière semaine complète!

All the students are now in revision mode.

JK & SK are working with vocabulary related to summer activities. Look for words such as: lampe de poche, tente, feu de camp, guimauve, sac de couchage... Today, they listened to 'Benjamin fait du camping'.

Grade 1 had fun with the jungle puppets and discovered which actions they can do and their animals could not do. This will continue tomorrow as well.

Grade 2 were counting by two in French 2 to 100. They reviewed the teen numbers that we use for 70 and 90. In other words, we did Math en français.
Then, they tested their abilities to recall a medley of vocabulary in writing.
Well done!

Grade 3 & 4 were away at C.F.F.C. today. On Tuesday, they will present their nature projects and these will go on display on the French bulletin board. Everyone is invited to have a look at these very creative 3 D forests.

Grade 5 were reviewing their adjectives and started their texts to descibe an endangered animal of their choice.

Grade 6 are reviewing 'Faire & Aller' and are preparing their publicity blurb for their summer camp. They are divided in 3 groups according to their interests. 
They should present Thursday or Friday, depending on whether we have a track meet tomorrow.

Grade 7 & 8 are re-visiting their irregular adjectives...not an easy task! Passé composé with être is pretty well firmed up for everyone...albeit with the odd reminders...

Friday, 13 June 2014


Ah, quelle semaine! À tous les papas...bonne fête des pères!

The students in JK & SK have reflected on what our 'Dads' represent. The word caring seemed to be a reccurring theme. They were using the word 'voeux' quite often today.

Grade 1 completed their food unit written activities. Next week, they will be doing their shopping list.

Grade 2 are nearly finished with the review unit. They are feeling proud about the fact that they can put together sentences orally and in writing .

Grade 3 & 4 have collaborated on a 3 D project.  They have followed a line of inquiry, communication and worked with a partner open-mindedly. Tuesday, they will present 'La tâche finale' to the class.

Grade 5 are working with adjectives related to endangered species. Next week, they will research and present their findings  on the animal of their choice.

Grade 6 are starting the grade 6 summer camp. They have to share common spaces and establish a camp that will appeal to the whole group. You will see, they are great communicators.

Grade 7 & 8 have been away, but on Monday, they will start their research for the description of an original building somewhere in the world.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Monday, 9 June 2014


Bonjour à tous!

We are now on the homestretch towards the summer vacation and the students are balancing the knowledge they acquired throughout the year and reflecting on how they apply what they have been learning.

All in all, it was a successful and productive year.

This week:
JK & SK are adding actions to the mode of transportation. We are using orange cones and today the children were given a set of instructions to travel from one cone to the other while acting out a specific vehicule. (i.e. un avion, une fusée, un train...)

Grade 1 did some seat work with cloze activities. The students are quite good at detecting the words to accompany an image.

Grade 2 are reviewing adjectives with different genders and composing their own sentences to illustrate their understanding.

Grade 3 & 4 worked on sentences with 'il y a un, une, des...' Où est la, le, l'...'
They are wonderful communicators and open-minded when it comes to speaking French. Bravo!

Grade 5  This morning we were treated to heartfelt poetry! The students used actions and very descriptive adjectives to describe their illustration of a weather event. Well done, everyone!

Grade 6 were the audience par excellence and gave their approval to the recitation. They also started a quiz on 'voir' which will be completed on Wednesday. Tomorrow, is the aquarium presentation.

Grade 7 & 8 read about modern construction around the world. They had to manage several dates and numbers. Good excercise for numbers 0 - 10,000...

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


JK & SK continued exploring the possibilities offered by various modes of transportation. They are using their own family travels to identify which vehicule works best for their needs.

Grade 1 worked on vocabulary for food. Cross words were done with the help of their textbooks and pictures.

Grade 2 were risk takers today and tested their knowledge to identify sentences best suited to represent a selection of pictures.

Grade 3 & 4 did a group reading (grade 4 reading was individual) from the 'Nature Observation' unit. For the rest of the week, they will be asking questions such as: 'Qu'est-ce que...?' and  'où est...? while working from their personnal word bank. 

Grade 5 worked on their poetry. Well done, everyone! Monday, they will read their litterature gems to the class.

Grade 6 are working on the read & comprehension unit. A story about two sharks experiencing boredom from eating too much sushi...

Grade 7 & 8 delivered their well researched projects on carverns. Great pictures accompanied their text, including a couple of students who photoshopped themselves inside the caves. GREAT JOB, EVERYONE!!!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


With the warm summer like weather, the students are turning their attention to the great outdoors.

JK & SK are singing their heart out about farm animals and their life lessons. We are also working on modes of transportation and where each one could take us. For example, une bicyclette may take us to the park and un avion will transport us to Paris.

Grade 1 are starting a unit on 'La bonne bouffe' et 'la mal-bouffe'. Can you guess what they prefer? They are already using vocabulary such as 'fromage, laitue, mais soufflé, cornichons...

Grade 2 are stringing sentences about a variety of subjects and easily describe familiar objects.

Grade 3 & 4 have completed their nature walk and observation using their 5 senses. We now have an extensive word list and the students will team up for a larger project presentation.

Grade 5 have completed a read and comprehension story starring the 'seasons'. Next, they will start their poem. The poetry will put into words one of their illustrations on a special weather event. Poetry reading is scheduled for Monday, June 9.

Grade 6 worked dilligently on finding the correct question words. Next, they will complete their read and comprehension unit story. The aquarium presentation is schedule for Tuesday, June 10.

Grade 7 & 8 have been researching a cave to explore. Their presentation is for tomorrow. I am always amazed at all the information they have to share.