Thursday, 10 April 2014

News from the French Corner

JK & SK were practicing how to communicate their daily routine in French. This work is on-going.

Grade 1 took turns at reading the short text from their storyboards, using high frequency words and vocabulary from the clothing and weather units. This work can be daunting for some, but they are learning to take risks and learn.

Grade 2 completed their last oral and written activity on feelings and physical description.

Grade 3 & 4 took their second full reading of their play. Their reading fluency has much improved and they are adding some expression. All students should
practice their lines at home and memorize them.

Grade 5 completed their reading and comprehension activity today. It is amazing to watch them discover the similarity between English and French.

Grade 6 also completed their reading and comprehension unit and had time to rehearse their restaurant dialogue for Monday's presentations.

Grade 7 & 8 are continuing their work on the 'futur proche'.