Bonjour tout le monde!
JK & SK are wrapping up the maple syrup unit with a story with a vocabulary identification card. Tomorrow, we will colour our last page for the sugar cabin. It was really sweet to have the children ask Mrs Logel if they could sing their French song during their library time.
Grade 1 are hard at work on the clothing unit and are completing cloze activities.
Grade 2 students are easily identifying adjectives in their feminine or masculine forms. They are having succes with using the negative as well.
Grade 3 & 4. We had a small class today due to many students participating in the Cariboo Math test. So, the grade 3 completed a reading and comprehension with the grade 4 students.
Grade 5 are continuing the use of the verb Aller in conjunction with different locations in and around the school. This is the formal introduction of the prepositions.
Grade 6 worked on polishing the use of 'choisir', 'commander'and 'prendre'.
Grade 7 & 8 are reading 'Sans frontieres' and are reviewing the futur proche.