C'est bientôt Pâques!
The students in JK, SK and grade 1 are applying the words 'sur, devant, derrière, sous, à côté de, dans' all around the classrooms. They were placing and locating various objects and identifying the correct preposition.
Grade 2 started to collect vocabulary and pictures for their 'water projects'. They were very keen on finding and sharing their information.
Grade 3 & 4 continued their play study. Many of the students have learned their lines and are feeling more comfortable in their roles.
Grade 5 were very successful at weeding unwanted words in a series of sentences. Great comprehension level was demonstrated and WE ARE ONLY AT THE FIRST CHAPTER!!!
Good job everyone.
Grade 6 have finished the translation of the vocabulary. Tomorrow, we'll have a round the world game.
Grade 7 & 8 completed and turned in their letters. I will edit them this weekend.