Grade 9 French students took up the homework/unfinished from last week. There is a lot of vocabulary/expressions you are expected to use in your summative. They also brainstormed what they need for the police report, and recorded a useful web with elements from the report. QUIZ ON THURSDAY vocabulary from today's activity.
Grade 8 French students presented their storyboard, and did an excellent job of it.
(I am still waiting for 2 storyboards, you have had 6 days, plus class time and editing time last week). Deadline is Thursday, or it is zero.
HOMEWORK: please fill in the web/info bubble with all pertinent information. This will be helpful for structuring your story (summative).
Grade 5/6 students worked on a model for the promotion of their CD. They also reviewed vocabulary. They will have a quiz on Thursday.
JK/SK students worked, with a partner, at counting, and identifying fruit and vegetable. They were really active so they acted out actions with a lot of enthusiasm.
Grade 1/2 Why do we have to know the date? Is it useful in real life? They also had to think back (avant), ahead (après).
Grade 3/4 students corrected their homwork (there is no such thing as I was too busy. You had 6 days to finish what was started in class). They also were having fun with creating slogans for various areas of Québec.